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Chapter 15 - Heaven's Gate

The RAC Dolls outnumbered us by a small margin. At least five of them in full view along with Zeglia's Barrellion Custom with guns pointed at us. Though they were lanky skeletons, they could easily outmaneuver us with minimal effort. That said, there's only so much one controller unit can do to manage all of them at once. The plan couldn't be any more simple, yet risky in execution.

  • Job - We rush Zegalia down. Rotate our approach towards the RAC-Ds and throw some potshots at her.

  • Vivica - Still kinda reeling from the last fight, but I'll manage.

  • Gus - Ammo is on the low side, but I'll see what I can do.

We split up and tackled the RAC Dolls, which began to open fire at us in unison. I split with Vivica since she was short a functional arm to use. The entire time I was moving, my FCS was alerting me of a lock established by Zeglia's unit. As if she was analyzing my moves. She could fire at me at any point in time, yet chooses not to. In a slick maneuver, I quickly aimed my blade railgun at her and fired off a couple shots. Both shots were dodged with minimal lateral movement. The alerts did not stop. In fact, more and more alerts started popping up in the cockpit until I started noticing something strange.

  • Job - What the... My FCS is getting hazier by the second. Anyone else fine?

  • Vivica - I'm fine.

  • Gus - All good here!

My Siegerlion was not responding properly, as if there was a bit of lag in the inputs. Before I could even dodge, a RAC Doll shoulder checked me, with another firing its machine gun at my legs.

  • Job - My systems are getting jammed! I can barely move properly!

The rattling of bullets penetrating the armor was audible. Multiple alerts started to drown out whatever sparking was going on in the cockpit. I could barely take aim at the RAC Dolls hovering over me and whaling away at me with stomps and gunfire. Last thing I wanted happening was my head camera getting destroyed, so I boosted as hard and fast as I could to dislodge myself from the building. Now, I had to start preempting my inputs. I guess she realized I'm the biggest threat here considering I was the healthiest of the bunch.

  • Zeglia - I won't let you pass. You will die here. I have a promise to keep, and I will fulfil it to my last breath!

  • Job - Promise?

  • Zeglia - Nothing that concerns the likes of you lot.

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