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BEAT 4: Memories for Memoirs

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With his memory restored, Otsdarva's new purpose in life gains much more meaning as to why he has been tasked here in an Endless Frontier. Stuck to his own devices, he recollects on moments from his past life in relation to his love for VTubers when ACE asks him a question.


  • ACE: Inquiry. There seems to be strange connotations regarding the term, "graduation". I keep searching databanks to further improve our odds of success, and this term shows up. Any possibility of clarification as to what the new meaning entails?

  • Otsdarva - Simply put... it's moving on. And moving on can mean a variety of things in that line of work. Life catches up, health catches up, feelings that feel overwhelming to the point that you want to drop anchor, a new opportunity opens up. People shudder at the word, graduation when they're so invested in a particular VTuber thinking that the ride would never end. I learned that the hard way back in the day. There's this momento I had scrawled somewhere onto the cockpit of my Gespenst. "Don't fall in love with Dragons".

  • ACE - Any particular reason for that phrase?

  • O - Two of 'em. I knew two great dragons. I felt like I wasn't there to cheer them on every step of the way. Too swept up into the rush of something spectacular. But one of those dragons was the catalyst for me even considering this line of work. When I heard her deciding to graduate, I was devastated. But when I also heard the gist of why, I knew that the best I could do at the end of the day was to see her off in her grand final moments. I was out on the field, but I had her stream playing on the side. I had to hold back tears at that point. And thanks to a living doll that shared one final hurrah with me, I was able to express my sincerest gratitude.

  • ACE - Living doll?

  • O - Don't worry too much about it. All and all, it became almost of a ritual for me to at least have a box of donuts hold at least one towards the distance. At least I can be at peace that she's doing well resting her wings.

  • ACE - And of the other dragon?

  • O - Someone who I thought was damn near unstoppable. When she hung up her claws, that too, was a dire blow. But I keep that pin of her office as a momento as well. Was terribly late to the party.

  • ACE - Do you have anyone that you currently have eyes on that you fear may graduate?

  • O - At this point, it is inevitable. VTubers are just like flesh and blood humans. They have their limits, their aspirations, and moments that won't last forever. When it is time, it is time. But at least they can go out with a bang to keep the memory alive. I've made friends and acquaintances that may go at any given time, and it will wound me deeply to see them go. But at the same time, I'm ready to give it my all for that last hurrah.

  • ACE - And you? What will become of you?

  • O - I'll be realistic. I may have my time too. But I want to do it when peace is settled into the land of the Endless Frontier. When that day comes, I can finally rest. Until then, I have to see everyone come and go. And I'll cheer them on in spirit if I have to too. 

  • ACE - Response accepted. Thank you for humoring my inquiry.

  • O - Eh, don't sweat it. If anything, this got me more focused on the Grand Mission now more than ever. Let's do our best, ACE. 

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