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Chapter 6 - Our Sunshine Girl

The intense whir of machinery, accompanied by the piercing noise of an EKG monitor placed on massive display fills the room... along with a sense of dread. A scientist with goggles over his eyes to shield himself from a possible flash of bright light. That light expected to come from the girl inside what was seemingly a spherical, translucent cage protruding with pylons. The whir of machinery ceased, the EKG monitor still ran, but the girl was clearly in no shape to continue. Panting and gasping, the scientist runs to her aid in a panic.

  • ??? - Baby girl. Baby girl!

The scientist runs and cradles her body out of the chamber and puts her on a high-tech wheelchair equipped with an IV ​on the back of it. As the other scientists watch him wheel away the girl out of the room, one of guards accompanies them.

  • Guard - Dr. Millard! Is everything alright with her?

  • Millard - She's a strong, young lady despite her constitution. Noin was just doing her best amidst her circumstances.

  • Guard - From what I've gathered, she has the highest compatibility with the Sol Driver to be able to provide enough energy to fuel an artificial sun.

  • M - But the machines either draw too little or too much regardless. And if it does draw too much, it adds more undue stress on her body. I don't want to put my girl through that any more than she needs or wants to.

  • Guard - You really do love your daughter that much, huh.

  • M - She's the only family I got in this place. I did have another one... but... it's a bit rough for me to talk about.

  • Guard - I see. I won't ask too much about it any more.

The guard, Millard, and Noin reach the private quarters of the R&D facility. As Millard said his goodbyes to the guard, Noin started to come to, albeit in a daze. When she came to, she was greeted with a crestfallen Millard.​

  • Noin - So... how did I do? Was I helpful.

  • Millard - You were, sweetie. Testing was a little difficult to get results from, but we stopped it before things could get worse for you.

  • N - I see. So it was a failure. You don't have to sugarcoat anything, Dad. I'm old enough to take a hit.

  • M - I understand that, but I don't want to put that stress on you.

  • N - Well, with everyone calling me their "Sunshine Girl", I think that stress is still there. Like I said. I'm a big girl. I'm not like my sister, but I still gotta be strong for her when she comes back to us.

Millard stood still for a moment in front of the pot of food he was cooking. Only the fire from the stove was audible between the two of them. And yet, Noin breaks the silence.​

  • Noin - You don't believe she'll come back to us, Dad?

  • Millard - It's a... complicated matter. Both of you are the apples of my eye, but I did something that was inexcusable in her eyes. And if she does come back, she won't be so kind to me. I truly deserve to atone for my sins if it means bringing you two together.

Noin's face flared up in a fit of displeasure. She quickly got up from her chair and hems Millard by the chest of his shirt.​

  • Noin - Don't you even bring yourself down to that level of thinking. Why do you think I volunteered to participate in the Sol Driver project? You think a nobody like me with a weak constitution is gonna sit around and watch the world fly us by? You don't get to cop out of bringing this family together! I'll protect this family with my life... uhh.

Millard gently holds onto Noin as she nearly collapses on the floor. He brings her arm around his shoulder and carries her back to her wheelchair, gently seating her back down. He slowly caresses her curly hair.​

  • Millard - I know. I know. Pops got ya covered. I'll do my best to protect this family too. No matter what happens, I'll bring this family back any way I can. And you're right. I shouldn't be copping out like this when the going gets tough. They may call you Palopanera's Sunshine Girl, but you are my little light of mine.

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