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Chapter 9: Now I Know Everything

Head... hurts. But for some reason, everything seems to be... familiar. I see these scenes playing in my head. Very familiar scenes playing in my head. I can see the Gespensts, some strange people looking at me through a looking glass, and a pretty lady standing beside some intimidating man with a cloak. I can also hear someone calling my name faintly... or at least something else. Something like a codename. "W Minus 4". "W Series."

  • ??? - Hey, I think we're getting it open.

  • ??? - How long has sleeping beauty been in there?

  • ??? - He's been in the cockpit for roughly 3 hours now. Anti-Intrusion Seizure Locks were engaged. Probably to avoid someone hijacking the unit while the pilot is out of commission. Should be able to crack the protection to open it up.

  • ??? - Well then, if you got the energy to blab about it, then get to it, Pointdexter.

  • ??? - Ladies. Let's stay calm and composed here. Our Prince Charming is stuck inside. And whoever gets to him first gets to ki-


  • Sion - I kid, I kid.

Oh, they're trying to rescue me. Though, my head is starting to feel a little clear. There was so much fuzz in my head. Almost like there was stuff I tried to remember was being jammed. But seeing that Gespenst seemed to have unlocked something in my head. Something greatly familiar. I figured that I can get my answers from ACE, but something tells me he already knows what I'm thinking of. After all, something like him can read my brainwave patters easily, and discern exactly what I'm thinking of. No, only he can do it. Not sure why, but I have a gut feeling that he's the only thing that is capable of doing much more than just that.​


I feel myself finally coming to and noticed something on the cockpit monitor. "Anti-Intrusion Seizure Lock active?" Palisade has something like this? Not many mechs have this kind of security measure, especially for incapacitated pilots. So my mind was not playing tricks on me. Someone is trying to get me outta here after I passed out.

  • Otsdarva - Pal, disengage security

  • Palisade AI - Voice recognition detected. Biometrics confirmed. Brainwave link detected. Disengaging A.I.S.L.

  • ??? - Cockpit seems to be opening up on its own. He must be awake. 

  • Sion - Good, looked like you were having a bit of trouble there.

  • ??? - These security measures are out of this world. Every time I made a breakthrough, I get denied and instantly resets to a new cryptopattern. This is beyond Quantum-class firewalling.

  • ??? - Well, I woulda brute forced it open if that was the case.

  • ??? - Well, aren't you the little amazon woman that could.

  • ??? - Keep this up and you'll find more than lips on that face of yours.

  • ??? - Threat or promise?

  • ??? - Wanna find out?

  • S - Ladies, as much as I'd like to see some sexual tension, I think welcoming Ots back into the waking world would be much better.

There was a brief moment of silence. From that point onward, I decided to make my grand appearance. I opened up the cockpit​ and was greeted with two unfamiliar people standing beside Noa on a lift platform.

  • Otsdarva - Well hello and good mornin' everybody. Noa, mind introducing me to our unfamiliar guests?

  • Noa - I'm not your bell hopper, bitch. You ask them.

  • O - Mind INTRODUCING me to our guests... N-O-A?

  • N - *sighs* The buff cueball with the porn stache over is Sion. And this lovely piece of blue-haired braininess right beside him is Ayla, an auditor.​

  • S - I'll take that bit as a compliment. The ladies do dig the stache.

  • Ayla - And I'm not just all brain too. I can hold my own in a fight.

  • N - These two came to your rescue after those Lions tried to hijack the base. You never exactly woke up for some reason, but your mech right here just went back to base on its own.

  • O - Excuse me?

  • S - She ain't lying. I was about to carry you myself to the hangar, but your mecha just practically dusted itself off and went back inside.

  • O - ACE, did you have anything to do with this?

  • ACE - Negative. I do not have superior clearance to override the main control AI of the unit. Despite my functionality, I cannot do much to take control, let alone operate it myself.

  • O - So this thing really does have a built-in AI. Never thought it would be THAT advanced though.

  • Ayla - Most likely due to the nature of Karakuri-types.

  • O - Kara-whatnow? 

  • A - Karakuri. Puppets that have an AI built into them to function on their own. They can be reprogrammed to benefit the pilot, but sometimes there are instances where they are in self-defense or search mode where they act on their own. Seems like Palisade here has one programmed to assist you at every step of the way based on its behavior.

  • O - So, you're familiar with these things?

  • A - Who wouldn't? There was one instance a band of adventurers managed to roam around with some high-spec Karakuris. Fought tooth and nail to get them. 

  • S - And they're still somewhat active to this day from what I've heard. Goes by the name of Browning or something.

Upon hearing that name, there was a sharp tinge of pain that shot through my brain. A tremendous headache was rippling through my head upon hearing that name. But why? Why am I feeling this now? And then... it hit me. The Gespenst, Browning, the little echoes of memories... I had to check something important.​

  • N - Hey, are you alright Ots? You don't look so hot.

  • O - It's all starting to make sense now...

  • N - What are you talking about?

  • O - The pain. It's... relative to something I should remember.

  • S - You an amnesiac?

  • O - I dunno. But when I woke up, I could probably classify as a fish outta water. Had no memory of something in the past. But there was something that stood out when I did wake up.

  • ACE - The letter. The mention of the Good Doctor. I pinpointed something in relation to the letter and something interesting came up in my results. A set of logs.

  • O - Go with the most relevant one.

  • ACE - Accessing... Opening audio file titled "Now I Know Everything". Playing now via loud speaker.


Now Playing...

The audio log had a woman's voice. One who sounded far mature than the date of recording leads on. There was a quiet hum of something running in the background. But since it was audio only, we could never know what it was. Just assume it was some sort of computer.

  • ??? - To whoever is listening into this recording, it is assumed that my status is now dead or killed in action. I knew my sins would catch up to me eventually, but I had to send my final words to each of my creations. Long after the creation of the Original W series or O-Ws, I took it upon myself to ensure that in the worse case scenario, that they would be given a mission to function as repentance for mine and Shadow Mirror's actions. My name... is Lemon Browning. I knew my guilt has been weighing on my heart long before we've tried to enact the wills of Vindel Mauser, and of Shadow Mirror itself. Even go so far as to cast off what would've been considered my own flesh and blood, out into a different dimension entirely. 

  • Lemon - The fact of the matter is... the O-W series was fated to fail due to the more human elements that have been put into design upon their creation. For one moment, I was allowed to play God, and create the prime fighting force with specialized roles to spread out with great effectiveness and efficiency. We raised them naturally as kids, nurtured and cared for them as much as we could before indoctrinating them on the task at hand. Our lives... our future was at stake. The stagnant peace that we lived was suffocating the chances of pure advancement. To properly instill that, we gave them the world and beyond. And after a certain age, we took it all away, and made it scarce to emphasize that fact. "This is the future in store for us if we don't fight. If we fight, we can create a better future, just so long as there is war to be had." I wasn't the one that was teaching them that. if anything, I would teach them that there is more to life than fighting, but this was the deck I was dealt, and every draw of the card was one bad hand after another. By the time they were advanced to an age appropriate for experimentation, that's when I had to play my part. At least five were selected to be made into super soldiers, infusing nanites and other synthetic boosters to ensure their survivability in any harsh conditions, as well as making sure they are inert in the case of capture. That meant they cannot produce offspring, or have their DNA replicated for cloning byproducts thanks to the highly toxic nature of the nanites implemented within their bodies, destroying anything that fulfills that criteria.

  • As a part of our quote unquote "policy", any evidence of Shadow Mirror that no longer serves a purpose must exist; Ash to Ash. As cruel as it is to rob the possible joy that a super soldier of obtaining the most human form of happiness, sometimes it might even be for the best when that happiness is manipulated or abused for personal gain or satisfaction. But it was not a choice they could make. The world we live in actively prevents and even forbids it. It's why Vindel suggested to move forward with androids long before The Endless Frontier project was created. It was at this point, I now know everything. All we have strived for, sacrificed, and destroyed in the name of progress meant forgoing even the most human things in our world to avoid stagnation. I've always despised it, but if there was some way to convince people that there is more to it than war... I'd be open to that possibility. But *sigh*... it's only but a dream. A dream I hope everyone can wake up from.

*Log End*​

Chapter 9 Cont.

A collection of eyes all stared at me. The emotions ranged from absolute confusion to sheer horror. But to me, this seemed... normal. It seemed like I have finally found "me". Who I am, what I am, my purpose in life. But there was something I needed to find to tie up these loose ends. Sion tried to reach in to reassure me from this bombshell of a development, But the quickest to the punch is Noa.

  • Noa - Holy shit... I honestly didn't know this was the burden you had to carry. I had the choice to take my life back after someone tried to use me as a brood mare for their little cult, found an out, and use my body as a proper weapon thanks to the teachings for my sensei. You... you never had a say in anything. You can't even have a happy life after all is said and done. It's fucked up. Royally fucked up.

I could hear the frustration in her voice. I would be frustrated- no...  furious ​towards Lemon for doing this to me and whoever was in that Original W program. However, I knew it was pointless to get mad over someone who I can't vent that anger towards properly.

  • Ayla - I'm so sorry...

  • Sion - Geez man... if you ever wanna talk, I'm-

  • Otsdarva - I know you mean well. All of you. But there's no point in being sad over a thing like this. 

Noa charged at me with daggers in her eyes. She hemmed me up by the collar of my shirt. I could start seeing tears running down her eyes. Her, the most badass, boss bitch of the group, with tears running down her face. Just when I've seen it all in the short time I've known her.

  • N - Do you even HEAR yourself? Why shouldn't we be sad, or angry, or horrified by THIS? That CUNT took any semblance of humanity away from you because of their shitty war-happy antics.

I rested my hands on her shoulders and slowly pushed her away. I couldn't look in her tear-glazed eyes for long, but I had to say my piece before I started ​tearing up too.

  • O - It's because... she also gave me a new lease on life. I started to have... memories. Memories of a past life I've lived as a pilot on the battlefield. Something bad happened to the point I was in a vegetative state. Next thing you know, I was in some sort of contained data space as a virtual consciousness. And now I'm here, with you all. Needless to say, I was finally given an out. I know you meant well, but my life hasn't ended because of a few things I don't have access to. I still have this Grand Miss-

Then it hit me.​

  • N - Grand what?

  • O - ACE! is there a log regarding a Grand Mission or something similar?

  • N - Ots, Grand what?

  • ACE - Record found. Dates are unknown, the voice profile matches. The Good Doctor was always...

  • O - Lemon Browning. There's something strange as to why the mission involved something out-there like VTubers. Can you play the recording?

  • ACE - Affirmative. Now playing log. It's relatively short.

Everyone stood around and waited for the audio log to play.​

  • Lemon - "To the Integers that may be listening to this recording. Perhaps I have lived long enough to taste the peace we've missed out on so much. My theories of invoking humanity within machines have bore fruit, and with that I am satisfied. I have a lot to atone for. I am guilty for the sins I have wrought upon those I would've been a mother to. And the best way I can do that is to provide a Grand Mission. I've stumbled upon an interesting phenomenon that the other Earth was exposed to. Something called VTubers caught my attention to the point of sheer fascination. My first impression was honestly a childish puppet show. However, when I did further research, I was greatly compelled to see a new possibility thanks to them. Using the Cross Gate to interface, I have found an interesting dimension. One that is unceasing, yet brimming with various life and entities that have yet to be recorded. One may even call it a utopia for all intents and purposes due to how much of a melting pot it is. But it still mirrors our world all the same, filled with strife, emotion... humanity. The Grand Mission will be using the Endless Frontier as a bridge point to protect the world of humanity, and the world of the VTubers. I want all of you, my surviving Original-Ws, to carry out my mission. My final moment of atonement. I stake on all of you. Please... enjoy your new lives as much as you can. I wish you didn't have to fight for it, but at least now you may know peace. To my "children", OW-5 [Otsdarva], OW-2 [Aeolus], OW-1 [Nemo], I wish you all the best on your future endeavors. You are right to hate me, but do find it in your heart to move forward. 

*Message Ended*​

As soon as the message ended, the Cross Gate started to move on it's own. For a split moment, I felt Noa look at me with tears rolling down her eyes before quickly shoving me away with a scowl on her face. I knew the message clearly: "You did not see this. Mention it, and I will kill you." Our collective attention was turned towards the Gate.

  • O: Yo, ACE. You think that message was a key?

  • ACE: Affirmative. Timing lines up to the activity of the Gate and other crucial functions in this base. 

  • O: So she was hoping that I found this message.

  • Sion: So uh... what does this mean entirely?

  • Ayla: There's one way to interpret it. The mission is fully underway.

  • ACE: I even came across a small file mentioning "streaming equipment" that interfaces with the Cross Gate.

  • O: A non-violent way of sending word out. Practically a pirate broadcast. Well, what are we waiting for? We got a job to do, and dimensions to save.

  • S: And money to earn!

​I paused and looked at Sion for a moment. Reality was quickly setting in. With the base finally being active, the operational costs are going to be ridiculous. Add on repairs, upgrades, ammunition, etc... yup we got a long road ahead of us. I tried cracking a smile, but the wavering was blatantly noticeable.

  • O: Y-yeah... money to earn.

  • S: Ots... don't force yourself too much.

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