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BEAT 5: Shell-Busting Sale

  • Sion: If you're planning on growing a fighting force, you're definitely going to have a hard time trying to recruit people into soldiers. And in this line of work, you will need fighters with great power and or experience. Most of which are either contract killers or mercenaries for hire.

  • Otsdarva: Well there's a bit of an issue with that, Sion. One, we barely have any money. And two, we barely have an idea of where to look. Don't you have some sort of support network for this kind of thing? Or at least Ayla?

  • S: Errr.... not really. Remember? Even though the Fours were a group, we all operated solo. We were all mercs, and everyone was a rival or enemy.

  • O: So it never dawned on you in the off chance that maybe the one you probably kept alive could get some sort of recommendation?

Sion stood in concerned silence. There was no rebuttal on his mind to counter Otsdarva's statement. Until...​

  • Sion: Actually... there is one network. ACE, can you look something up for me.

  • ACE: Affirmative. What is your inquiry?

  • S: can you search something up through Network Nibelung?

  • O: Network Nibelung?

  • S: Best way to describe it is an Outworldly Mercenary Market, OMM for short. They have seasoned vets and newcomers all filtered through performance or potential. 

  • ACE: Accessing dimensional record search using Network Nibelung. There are multiple hits, mainly in the hundreds when calculating our budget as a factor. Any other filters?

  • O: It's a far cry, but anything in high potential, low cost?

  • ACE: Filtering......... Done. Search narrowed down to an organization known as ClamCorp. They recently released a promotion for their newest combatant, "Magical Tomgirl Kyouske".

  • S: Magical? Tomgirl? Sounds like we got a real winner. Magic Users are rare in this line of work. Especially combat-types. Having someone like this can also bring a nice public face for your group too, Ots. One as pretty as Kyouske over here can draw in quite the crowd.

  • O: I get it. Can we establish a line of contact?

  • ACE: Standby.... Apparently, we have contact with the CEO of ClamCorp on the line.

  • O: For real!? Oh damn... how do we approach this. We don't wanna waste their time. Uh uh uh... 

  • S: Just be direct. The quicker you get down to business, the better. Otherwise, they'll think you have ulterior motives, and that is no good for business in general.

  • O: Oh ok... Let's give it a shot. ACE, patch me through.

  • ACE: Establishing link to other line. Using encryption Phobos.

The visual put through the visor opened up with a well-mannered woman with an alluring atmosphere surrounding her. She was casually waving her fan to cool herself off, but everything about her was oozing with sex appeal. I was in a practical trance before she collapsed the seashelled fan with such authority, only to be greeted with a laser sharp stare.

  • Kyou - The name is Kyou. I am the CEO of ClamCorp. State your reasoning or this call is over.

The alluring atmosphere that was once there was quickly replaced with commanding authority. This was the moment where a first impression was life-or-death for me. I couldn't mess up once.​

  • Otsdarva - The name is Otsdarva Integer. I'm the owner of a Dimensional Defense Company, Delphinium. I saw your ad for your Magical Tomgirl, Kyouske. I want to hire them for their services.

  • Kyou - Is that all?

  • O - T-that's all.

  • K - I see... well, you're in luck. They'd be more than happy to provide their services for a low price.

  • O - Ah... nice. How cheap are those services?

  • K - You ever watched Rush Hour 2?

  • O - All the time! 

She went back to opening up her fan and slowly fanning herself down.​

  • K - Our services are cheap as hell. Just like those suits in Rush Hour 2. And for the work ethic and efficiency, it's a steal for how much we offer for their contract.

  • O - Well I'm sold! Where's the contract?

  • K - Here. Just focus your eyes on the signature area so we have biometric information on record. Just remember, that if anything unusual happens to them for whatever reason by YOUR hand or your care, we are fully capable of terminating the contract, severing ties, and enforce extreme measures to ensure you'll never have a business again. 'Kay?

Even with everything said with a cute expression, all the cheerfulness got sucked out like a vacuum after that last line. However, I couldn't just let it knock the wind outta my sails.​

  • O - I'll ensure no harm nor foul ever comes to them. They will be a valuable asset to the team.

  • K - I hope so... for your sake. Pleasure doing business with you.

As the call ended, I breathed the biggest sigh of relief. But we may as well prepare the red carpet for Kyouske when they arrive.​

  • O - Well, the deed is done. Let's get ready to meet our special, magical guest.

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