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Scenario Battle 2: Chapter 8 - Three Black Lions

As Otsdarva sets out to explore the outer areas of his base in his jeep, something else is keeping a close eye on him.

Otsdarva is on the move in his jeep, aiming to explore the outer regions away from the base. It's a straight shot down through the gorge where the base resided, and the further he drove, the more he saw other regions opening up in front of him. However, there is a shaking feeling that there are some eyes on him. Three sets of glaring eyes homing in on him.

  • Otsdarva - Jeez, this strip goes on forever... how much mileage have we covered so far?

  • ACE - Rate of speed shows that we have covered roughly 5 miles so far. No exaggeration either.

  • O - Good, I wanna take in this experience in a bit calmly before we head back to base.

  • ACE - Any target range you have in mind?

  • O - As far as we can go realistically. Not like anyone is out here hunting for us.

  • ACE - That ninja, Noa did find us no problem. However, her presence was already inside the base, so that rules out a particular factor. Does not rule out another factor of an outside party that may have investigated this area before your awakening.

  • O - Ehhh... That's true. Could that mean that we could be watched RIGHT NOW?

  • ACE - It is not impossible. In fact, there were multiple energy readings detected to the left of us. They recently powered down too. It'll take some time before I can slice into their network and peak into their comms.

  • O - If they're not going to attack, we may keep going.

  • ACE - One of them is moving. Target identified as a DCAM-004F Lion F. It's approaching fast in front of us.

The Lion approached the jeep in a rounded manner before forcing me to a halt by hovering in front of me. They did seem intent in stopping me in my tracks. but no intention of attacking me so far. Then I heard a loudspeaker coming from the Lion.​

  • ??? - Ahhheeem. Ahem ahem. You there. In the jeep. Mind telling me where you are going?

  • O - Why should I answer you?

  • ??? - Think of your current predicament right now. You are technically surrounded.

Two other Lion types hovered in the distance behind me. A Guarlion Custom and an Armorlion. There was no easy way to move around them. ​

  • ??? - You should consider this a moment of honor to be cornered by the Three Black Lions! 

Their color black and white color scheme couldn't be anymore on the nose. Though, more importantly, their haughty attitude was already getting on my nerves. And it was at that point, the pilots started to come from their units. They were all a bunch of pretty boys...​

  • ??? - Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Sentou Yuuki. The pilot of the Guarlion Custom is Eladore Fields, and the Armorlion is Casval Clermont.

  • Eladore - *scoffs* This doesn't even seem like a fair fight at all. However, I'm not concerned about the semantics of this situation just so long as he shows us back to that base over there.

  • Casval - If we can make him submit before then, I'm sure we'll get high praise from the commander. That, and whatever we can find inside may be valuable in solving our dark matter crisis.

  • O - Dark matter crisis?

  • Sentou - Cas, you speak too much.

  • C - Oops, my bad *giggles*

  • O - What happened? Is it something I can help with?

  • S - If you have something to get rid of a orb of pitch black darkness engulfing our city, I'm sure it could be found inside that base. You look could barely be of use to us. You have the look of a fish out of water.

Perceptive little prick. However, one thought crossed my mind: "They MUST not get their hands on what is inside the base." At this point, it is fight or die. But I need a convincing way to get their attention.​

  1. Drive past Sentou's Lion

  2. Use myself as bait towards the base and fend them off.

Option 1

Floor that motherfucker!

I pushed the jeep's acceleration as hard as I could to blow past Sentou's Lion. Managed to pass through his legs knowing that he could've twisted or sent me flying from booting up. With the other two, they seemed to be gearing up to head towards the base. I couldn't let that happen.

  • Otsdarva - Hey ACE, can you sync yourself to the jeep's fire control system?

  • ACE - I am already in it's network. As long as you can provide visual of the target, I can start firing.

  • O - I have to actually look at them?

  • ACE - Affirmative.

I have to pick my spots carefully, and if I want to get a good shot, I have to be still to do it too. Ammo counter is approximated to 6 ten-round bursts (60 rounds).​

  • ACE - Critical note.

  • O - What is it?

  • ACE - I will be unable to provide target analysis in this state. Shoot in areas that would be common sense to fire at.

  • O - Gotcha. Can't afford to miss...

Target options: Lion (close), Armorlion (mid), Guarlion Custom (mid)​

Aim Selection [Head, Torso, Arms, Legs - Damage multiplied based on orientation

Objective: Lead enemies away from base.


Option 2

Time to fight (and drive) for your life!

I had to play it dangerously. I put the jeep in hard reverse, and spun it around so I can make a b-line to the base. The least I could do was inconvenience them and make them waste their resources in trying to catch me. Now, I had both the Guarlion Custom AND the Armorlion in my sights. I do have something back at the base. Something to fight them. If I could just...

  • Otsdarva - Hey ACE, can you sync yourself to the jeep's fire control system?

  • ACE - I am already in it's network. As long as you can provide visual of the target, I can start firing.

  • O - I have to actually look at them?

  • ACE - Affirmative.

I have to pick my spots carefully, and if I want to get a good shot, I have to be still to do it too. Ammo counter is approximated to 6 ten-round bursts (60 rounds).​

  • ACE - Critical note.

  • O - What is it?

  • ACE - I will be unable to provide target analysis in this state. Shoot in areas that would be common sense to fire at.

  • O - Gotcha. Can't afford to miss...

Target options: Lion (close), Armorlion (mid), Guarlion Custom (mid)​

Aim Selection [Head, Torso, Arms, Legs - Damage multiplied based on orientation

Objective: Distract the enemies before you can reach the base.

Ch 8 Conclusion

I was doing the best I can to stir up a commotion. Had a gut feeling that no one was gonna come around and save the day for me too. My options to counterattack, or escape were woefully limited, and had no choice but to pull an all-or-nothing maneuver. The Black Lions were closing in, and one of them readied their sword to seal the deal. As a last ditch, I pulled the Anti-Material Rifle out from the trunk as quickly as I could and readied myself before they came around. At this point, I didn't care what would happen if I fired it wrong at full power. I just wanted to go down swinging before I bought the farm.

  • Otsdarva - ACE, calculate the proper time and charge necessary to pierce the armor for each.

  • ACE - Optimal target would be the Lion F due to its light armor. The others would barely scratch if aimed towards the cockpit. Timing of charge necessary to propel the FANG rounds to penetrate is not enough with their acceleration.

  • O - Anything works at this point. I'm taking the shot.

I aimed at whatever I could. Made sense to go for Sentou's legs. Should be enough to sputter him into a spiral. However, they were dangerously close. Just as I was about to pull the trigger, I heard a crackling of electricity in the sky. Joined with that crackling was... screaming.​

  • ??? - kiiiiiiiiiiiiicCCCCCCCCCKKKKK!

A mysterious robot cloaked in some sort of tattered garb appeared from the sky and kicked Sentou's Lion so hard, he flew back! The robot landed with a dynamic pose after landing his kick square to that Lion's chest, and pulled two sabers from his arms. The Armorlion and Guarlion approached him, but were riposted with such ease, taking an arm from the Armorlion, and lopped off the Guarlion's head. In a twirl, he sheathed his sabers and took a fighting stance. That's when I heard a gruff voice emanate from the mysterious robot.

  • ??? - Hey kid, seems like you got something important inside. I'll buy you some time to help you back to base.

  • O - 'Preciate it. What's your name?

  • Sion - The name's Sion. We'll have a proper chat once this is all over, 'kay?

  • O - You bet. 

I put my rifle away, and started gunning for the base as fast as I could. Sentou was barely getting up, but that was the least of my concern. I pushed the jeep to go as fast as it could before its engine started to give out. Once it died out, I sprinted as hard as I could to the hangar bay door, opened it, and headed inside as it was opening.​


I instantly knew something was different. Palisade was "awake". Engine humming, eyes glowing, and oddly enough, it was looking at me with it's purple eyes. Almost as if it was waiting for me.

  • ACE - The built-in AI is still functional. Even after all it has been through... impressive. 

  • Otsdarva - Is it as complex as you?

  • ACE - Hardly comparable. It has an Reptile-class learning pattern. It's simple, but aggressive in its calculations. Making it ideal for close quarters decision making.

  • O - Well, we're kinda pressed for time, so why don't we take care of our intruders?

  • ACE - Understood. I will load up the manual once we interface with the armor in question.

  • O - Bet!

The cockpit hatch opened, letting down a small cable elevator to climb into. Once I embarked, ACE uploaded the piloting information into my brain. Hurt like hell, but I'm not exactly graced with time here. Nevertheless, it was a quick and dirty routine I have to introduce to our pretty boy friends while Sion is holding them off.​

  • ACE - Running quick diagnostics. Operating on Safe Mode. Motor functions and thruster functions are operational. Will take some time for FCS and weapons systems to come online.

  • O - Got it. Palisade, are ya ready?

After psyching myself into rushing out of the hangar doors, I floored the accelerator to get it into running speed. Once it reached that point, I boosted out of the doors and shoulder checked the Guarlion that was closest to me. In quick succession, I gathered enough momentum to leap into a sobat kick on the Armorlion from behind, in which Sion followed up with an uppercut with his plasma stakes...​

Plasma stakes?

The stakes fired off three rounds of charged plasma through the head of the Armorlion, effectively destroying its head camera. All three of the Lions were in such disrepair. They had to cut their loses and retreat after such a brutal beatdown.

  • Sentou - Dammit. We sustained too much damage. And that trainer unit... looks too unique. We'll try to get more intel another time. Retreat!

  • Eladore - A pitiful loss. I'm sure we're gonna hear an earful from the madam. I'll remember this defeat well, strangers.

  • Casval - *groans* These repairs are gonna be expensive. I'll make the both of you pay the next time we meet.

The Lions struggled to fly away to safety. That left the tattered, cloaked figure standing before me​. For some reason, I felt something... familiar about it.

  • Sion - C'mon, let's head inside. We have much to talk about. Plus...

A mysterious aircraft descended upon the gorge. It was a larger carrier craft. Probably belonged to Sion too.​

  • Sion - We got some gifts that could be of use to you.

  • O - Otsdarva.

  • S - Hmm?

  • O - The name is Otsdarva. Otsdarva Integer.

  • S - Nice to be your hero, Ots. Ayla over here is parking the carrier her if you don't mind. Fortunately, this gorge is large enough to fit aircrafts like this one and more.

  • O - Ayla? Who is that?​

  • S - Dunno. She tagged along with me after The FourS disbanded. She's kinda like an advisor of the group. Certainly can hold her own in a fight.

  • Ayla - Correct term is Auditor. And don't forget about the extended maintenance we have to do on your Gespenst. It's antithetical as is.

That name... Ges-penst? For some reason, hearing that name is making my head hurt. I tried masking the pain I was feeling over the comms. ​

  • S - Oh right. Since we're safe, I can show ya what I'm working with.

Sion pulled off the cloak, revealing a unit with armor deliberately missing on the legs, shoulders, and his right arm, leaving the torso, head, and left arm with the plasma stakes being the only armored parts. And the eyes were seemingly missing a visor. Why do I know what this is? Why does it.... uuugh.

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