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Chapter 3 Conclusion

Otsdarva and ACE stand in front of the Cross Gate pondering the next set of options necessary to continue on with the mission at hand. Salvaging whatever they could save, they decided to move on with a new plan: explore the outside.

  • Otsdarva - Using what we have at our disposal, we should be able to make our first foray to the outside world.

  • ACE - We can use the jeep parked inside the hangar to cover more ground. It's outfitted with a autocannon that I can use to defend ourselves in case anything attacks you. All you need to do is look in a general direction long enough for me to target.

  • O - Neat. Though, I hope we don't have to use any ammo if worse comes to worse.

Before Otsdarva could get a chance to relax, he felt that something was off.​

  • O - Say ACE. Are you picking up anything on your sensors?

  • A  - Not really. However... I do feel your heartrate spiking.

  • O - Just a sinking feeling that someone is watching me. Maybe I should -

Before he could turn around, a kunai flew and grazed Otsdarva's cheek. The graze caught Otsdarva off guard long enough for a shadowy figure to deliver a swift kick to his stomach. Reeling from the impact, he tries to regain his footing before the shadow moved in close at an alarming speed. In a yellow flash, the shadow shrunk down to the ground and out of his vision, only to spring upward with a rising heel kick that cleanly missed his chin.​


Stumbling after the near miss, Otsdarva falls to the floor and tries to take a defensive position, but not before the shadow rushes in with knife in hand to deliver a deciding blow. Otsdarva tries to kick with both of his feet to try and hit the shadow, but the shadow was already airborne before it fell to the ground with a double knee drop that landed cleanly on Otsdarva's chest. The wind was knocked right out of him, giving the shadow enough time to mount on top of him and bring the knife to his throat. The only thing he can now see a pair of glowing yellow eyes and streaks of cybernetic lines glowing through their arm.

  • Otsdarva - *cough cough* Who the hell are you?

  • ??? - I'm the one sent to kill you under specific orders. But you went down so easily, that I'm honestly pitying you here.

  • O- I'm guessing you're not gonna spill on who sent ya?

  • ??? - Well a duuh, shit-fer-brains. Why would I give you the goods. Ya stupid?

  • O - Well it was worth a try...

The mysterious figure lets out a hearty laugh, but recoils with a more intense look in their eyes.​

  • ??? - Oh, you are such a riot, man. That's quite the turn on. You're such a stupid man, you know that?

  • O - Hey... so uh... you gonna take that knife away from my throat or -

The figure sheathed her knife, only to press their arm against Otsdarva's neck.​

  • O - *ack* You're a tough little lady, aren'tcha.

  • ??? - I can crush you in other ways if you want me to.

  • O - Kinky... but not now. I don't even know your name.

  • ??? - Noa. The name is Noa Jenus.

  • O - Well Noa, I must admit you're quite the ninja. 

  • Noa - Proper job title is Kunoichi. And thanks. Can't be one in this day and age without all of my teachings and nanomachines, baby. Helps in more ways than one.

  • O - Nanomachines!?

  • N - Yep. Gives me ample strength, agility, and stamina to compete! Wanna see how that plays out?

  • O - Now ain't a good time... and besides - 

  • N - Before you say it, I can say I have two years over you. You're younger than me, "sonny boy."

Noa dismounts from Otsdarva, and pulls him off the ground with the greatest of ease. She dusts him off and dribbles her finger with spit to rub on the graze of his cheek.​

  • O - Ugh, can you not!?

  • N - D'awww, the wittle baby don't like little momma here fixing your boo boo? Heehaahahaha.

  • O - Why you little...

  • ACE - I hate to interrupt, but we should start mobilizing to do our expedition. We can save our fraternizing for later.

  • O - Oi... what do you mean "fraternizing?"

  • N - Might wanna listen to the portable roomba. You may wanna get ahead of the curve before shit gets dangerous.

  • A - Ignoring that comment, the longer that we take in investigating, the higher the likelihood of being buffeted by a sandstorm. If we don't want to get caught in that, I'd recommend leaving as soon as possible. 

  • O - Right. I'll go get set up with the expedition. Noa, make yourself comfortable. There ain't much, but I'm sure there's something here to keep you company.

  • N - Don't worry about me, I know my way around.

Noa disappears into thin air, only to cling onto the ceiling of the hangar with her own two feet, and begins laying down. As for Otsdarva, he grabs his belongings, his Anti-Material Rifle, utility belt, and keys to the jeep in the hangar. He takes one good look at the Palisade before setting off. The heavy bay doors open slowly wider and wider, revealing the massive gorge the base resides in, beckoning him to explore the deep reaches of this chasm. A sense of adventure is in the air.​

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