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Beat 12: Christmas Cake Medley

The base was decorated with piecemeal ornaments and whatever findings the crew could scrounge for cheap. Otsdarva managed to find an old fake Christmas tree. Sion, a bunch of car fresheners for ornaments. Noa and Ayla bought projector lights from Akiha's market carrier. Resta and Kyouske brought vinyl records and a record player respectively. Though the festive decorations were there, there was a noticeably strange atmosphere in the air. One that brought about some odd tension between the Delphinium crew. And that tension singlehandedly came from Mariah herself.


  • Mariah Ashtonford - An inquiry.

The bluntness in her tone of voice already didn't prepare for what was about to be asked into the ether.​

  • Mariah - From my understanding, the idea of Christmas has been expressed as a time to spend bonding time with others. Does this equate to more intense forms of showing affection?

There was a collective head turn towards Sion. Sion, however, turned his head away, knowing the last time he answered a question like that like he did on Valentine's Day.​

  • Sion - I'm not stepping on that landmine like I did the last time. Will say this though... some Christmases do get a bit interesting for some people...

  • Noa - My Christmas days were mostly spent training in the mountains, but I'm rather thankful that my master and her father took me in after such a rough time. Granted, I did get a bit freaky from time to time to stave off the loneliness with some fine Christmas Cakes.

  • Ayla - [confused] Christmas cakes? Didn't know you were that kind of person to get intimate with food.

The look on Kyouske's face was a wry smile that could barely be kept back. ​

  • Kyouske - Ms. Ayla... exactly how old are you?

  • Ayla - 27.

  • Kyouske - And have you been in a relationship? Like an actual intimate relationship?

  • Ayla - No. Been to busy with work to care about that thing.

  • Kyouske  - Textbook example.

Ayla was confused at first, but felt rather slighted by the remark.​

  • Ayla - Explain. Now.

  • Kyouske - A "Christmas Cake" is slang used to describe women after the age of 25 who have been single since that point. Sometimes they're too busy. Sometimes they just have no relationship experience. But it is consistent that they have tried at least one attempt of finding someone to not be alone on Christmas. It's an interesting conundrum.

  • Ayla - It never really bothered me. But... I do think it'd be nice to spend a Christmas with someone nice.

  • Otsdarva - Never really had anybody until now. The relationship stuff could come later in my honest opinion. I'm sure you'll find that special someone, Ayla.

Ayla drooped her head and muttered under her breath.​

  • Ayla - But I already have... just wish she would know.

Akiha chimed in gleefully​

  • Akiha - Well now, I oughta say that my Christmas time with my family has always been rather excitin'. All sorts of crazy fights and arguments about who will be my bodyguards when marriage season is 'round the corner.

  • Noa - You have a marriage season?

  • Akiha - Rich or poor. Always some sort of brown-nosing goin' on. That's why I was more than happy to 86 from the village. But it was something special about Christmas that got everyone on the same page in my family. Maybe next Christmas, I'll find someone worth my salt to settle easy with.

  • Otsdarva - And mind if I ask... what's your age?

  • Akiha - Hun... don't you know better than to ask a lady her age?

  • Otsdarva - Better than making the assumption. Rather get slapped for getting to know someone than not knowing and making an ass of myself.

  • Akiha - Alrighty... that sounds fair.  I mean, I don't feel like no spring chicken, but I'm at a lovely age of 28 human years.

  • Mariah - Current age is 26. Never knew about the culture behind Christmas. Mostly grew up on the battlefield. Siblings were rather reserved about the topic, but I understood their reasoning. Lisa, in particular, was the only one that was truly aware of what Christmas was.

  • Sion - That's rough. So technically, this is the most peaceful Christmas you've had since you were born?

  • Mariah - Partially affirmative. Most of my Christmases at the Bedford estate were some level of peaceful. However, I was still responsible for training the other maids for combat.

  • Kyouske - Ah... peaceful for you, but not for them.

  • Mariah - There was no telling if someone would attack during such quiet times, or in the middle of shopping excursions. Monitoring their progress was imperative.

  • Otsdarva - You never had a time to relax...

  • Akiha - Heard from the young mistress that she HAD to order you to take a vacation, but went around her back anyways. A straight-faced workaholic is what suits you best for a title. You wound yourself up tight, missy.

Resta, surprisingly, was napping through the entire conversation. She was in a meditation pose during her rest, but no one noticed her falling asleep until Otsdarva noticed her tail swaying like a metronome.​

  • Otsdarva - Jeez... she's out like a light.

  • Kyouske - Well, she was the most stressed about finding something to decorate the place.

  • Otsdarva - Tell me about it. She told me that her Christmases were spent training in mountain seclusion. Only on New Years Eve did she get some presents.

  • Noa - Oh yeah... it was nothing but training equipment. But she didn't seem to complain about it. In fact, she talks about that training equipment like a damn otaku... Kinda like you, Ots.

  • Otsdarva - Yeah, I can see... hey...

Sion clasped his hands together loud enough to break up as much of the conversation as possible​.

  • Sion - ALRIGHT, CHRISTMAS CAKE MEDLEY. I think I can speak for everyone else that we're tired of all the ho-hum glum that surrounds the holidays every time a conversation gets brought up. Especially me.  This is like the second major instance a holiday conversation turns sour. I get it, times were sad, times were rough. But now that we're here, we have a chance to make something good out of it. Heck, we even managed to get Palisade involved, and it can barely say a clear word outside of the cockpit.

Palisade gestures with a thumbs up.​

  • Sion - Point is, we are here together, yeah? As long as we got each other, we are celebrating the Christmas spirit proper. Don't matter how shoddy the decorations are, or how splintered our pasts were. All that truly matters is enjoying each other's company and valuing it together. And one thing I've learned... don't give a flying shit about the physical gifts. That's just a bonus, but shouldn't be the end-all be-all of how someone loves you.

  • Kyouske - Sounds like someone kept getting socks every Christmas. *chuckles*

  • Sion - [annoyed] POINT IS... Christmas is about togetherness. Whether you escaped from estranged relationships with family or friends, the new family and friends you find will fill your heart in ways you should never take for granted. So c'mon! Let's get that Christmas cheer goin', y'all! Right Pal!?

Palisade nods with their arms crossed in approval​.

  • Otsdarva - Sion's right. No point in wallowing in loneliness when we got each other. Our crew has grown in size since the beginning of the year with many Fixers and Sentinels that have joined the cause. I'm sure many have their own circumstances. But the fact that they joined us at their own discretion is more than rewarding enough. Best that we celebrate the new bonds we've made along the way beyond the holidays after all. Because together, we can move the mountains and obstacles that stand in our way, as well as build the bonds with others from beyond the dimensions.

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