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BEAT 10: The First Hunt

Image by Dr. Runaway [@Runawaytourist]


Otsdarva and Noa set out to the Outskirts to try and make a name for themselves to land a spot with the Bounty Hunter's Guild. However, their search was running through some serious trouble as far as finding large enough marks to use as a stepping stone. The deeds along the way have mostly been illicit trade busts, stopping petty criminals, and poisoning the well for trafficking. None of it seemed to make a dent into the Outskirts, nor get their names out fast enough. And the frustration was starting to set in.

  • Noa - *grumbling* This is getting us fucking nowhere.

Noa was munching on a large cheeseburger almost the size of her head. One aggressive chomp after another, nearly eating the wrapper along with it too. ​

  • Otsdarva - Tell me about it. We've been plugging one hole after another on this ship. However, nothing much has been giving us enough headway to sail on to bigger and better things.

Otsdarva ponders with his back on a wall of wanted posters. Each poster crossed out with red marker. It all seemed like there was no paydirt to tap into. Until...​

  • O - It just dawned on me.

  • N - What? The hunger is starting to set in for you too?

  • O - No... er yes, but that's beside what I'm thinking of. I feel like we've been running into some interesting coincidences with these small crimes and busts we've been doing.

  • N - Coincidences? Alright, Sherlock. Lay it on me. What "coincidences" have we been running into exactly?

  • O - Aside from the colors, majority of the people we've nabbed have mostly been cyborgs, synths, or androids. All of the stuff we've stopped so far have mostly been related to something pertaining to them in nature.

  • N - Now that ya mention it. The last bust we did did involve some illegal quality nanopastes, prosthetics, and other cybernetics. One even had a Karakuri that was chopped down for parts.

  • O - Which means...

  • N - We've been hitting a string of operations left and right. No doubt that whoever we're messing with are on high alert, and working more in the shadows than before we came here.

  • O - And whoever was hoping that this gang would be a nice nest egg are no doubt going to try and shuffle their eggs elsewhere in case things go belly up.

Otsdarva flicks his head to an alleyway across the street. There were a bunch of thugs, most of them with black and blue bands and other attire corralled all into one place. Noa's eyes lit up. An opportunity arose.​

  • N - You know one of my specialties as a kunoichi, right?

  • O - Yeah. I'll follow your lead.

  • N - Ah ha~ It's been only a few days and already we're in sync. Just go the other way around so you can cut'em off in case one of them runs.

  • O - Right.

Noa approaches the thugs. She adjusts her jacket and her shirt to show as much skin as possible. And without fail, her dangerous allure caught the attention of one of them. The others start cooing and catcalling as she walks over to them. ​

  • Noa - Hey there, baby.

She pushes her leg towards the first thug's groin, casually massaging him with her knee. Her hands slowly stroking his body.​

  • Noa - How about you and I have a little bit of fun.

  • Thug - I guess a bit of fun wouldn't hurt. How about we uh... go somewhere a bit more private.

  • Noa - Aww, how sweet. But I'm feeling a bit more... "adventurous" today. Why not do it here. I'm pretty sure your boys would love to join in too.

  • Thug - Hehe... looks like we got ourselves a real freak, boys. Lou, Thane, don't be shy. She's offerin'.

  • Lou - How kind of ya, boss man. 

As the three crowded around her, they failed to realize that Otsdarva snuck behind them. In quick succession, Otsdarva knocked out Thane on the left, and Noa, using the confusion, took her feet to latch on to Lou's head, and twisted his neck with great force, killing him instantly. Leaving a terrified thug  running away as fast as he could. Noa bounces throughout the alleyways, while Otsdarva gives chase on the ground.​

  • Thug - Get away! You don't know who you are dealing with. I swear! You'll be dead before you even know it!

Before he could make a turn to another alleyway, Noa cuts him off by dropping from the air, making him step back out of fear. Before he could make a bee-line out, then comes Otsdarva with his fist driving a hook to the thug's kidneys, painfully incapacitating him.​


Upon waking up, he is greeted with the sight of Otsdarva clashing his fists together, and Noa casually squatting down and mockingly wincing at the thug.

  • Noa - I'd choose my words wisely considering the situation you're in. Otherwise, you're gonna be in for a nasty shock from big man over here.

She points at Otsdarva, who's eyes are covered by his visor.​

  • Noa - Now talk. Sweet and simple details. Who do you work for? What are you pushing? Why are you here?

  • Otsdarva - And your name. Let's not forget formalities.

The thug was about to say something witty, but one glance at both of them made him quickly reconsider​​.

  • Canti - Canti... I'm a lieutenant of Granny Synth's organization. We've been distributing Top 5, a special kind of nanopaste for synths that have extreme rejuvenation factor that can replace any lost components. At least that's what it says on paper. In actuality, it's a psychostimulant that amplifies a feeling similar to phantom pain, causing the user to go apeshit with their limbs still intact. We're here to to enact a monopoly starting here in the Outskirts. Knowing that this area's population is primarily synths, it seemed like easy pickings considering how easy it was to hush 12, and Peacekeapers no longer exist.

  • Otsdarva - So, you've been helping out this empire uncontested?

  • Canti - Yeah. That was until we started hearing word about some out-of-towners busting shit up. Though it was a just a small vigilante group at first, but now everyone is kinda spooked from how fast each of them went down.

  • Noa - Word travels fast...

  • C - I'd take it... it's you two. Right?

  • O - Guilty as charged.

Canti took a moment. He pulled out a cigarette and lighter to take a deep drag whilst staring at the two. Once he finished, he handed them an empty container of Top 5, which looked professionally packaged.​

  • Canti - You'll find her in this packing facility. I'll head back and try to buy you some time before shit inevitably hits the fan once you roll up.

  • Otsdarva - 'Preciate the help. Though, why the change of heart?

  • Canti - Change of heart? You kiddin? After your broad snapped home-dude's neck like that, I better not take my chances. And besides... this empire has gone on long enough. It ain't good for this town. And I ain't letting some mouths to feed miss their pops.

Noa hopped up from the ground and got ready to move. The look on her face said it all: she was eager to crush the opposition.​

  • Noa- Well, I already got my extra motivation to do this. Waddaya say, Ots?

  • Otsdarva - Don't have to tell me twice. We'll flip this town upside down after we're done here.


The three arrived at the old packing plant. Only thing was, there were new vehicles parked outside, and a lot of people moving boxes into these vehicles. Canti signaled the two to remain still.

  • Canti - Wait for me until I am inside for at least five minutes. After those five are up, feel free to fuck shit up on the way to Granny Synth.

  • Otsdarva & Noa - Gotcha.

As Canti went inside the building like nothing was normal, Otsdarva had ACE do a scan of the place. There was something that clearly bothered him.​

  • ACE - There's at least 20 foot-mobiles, 5 heavy security drones, and...

  • Otsdarva - And?

  • ACE - There seems to be anomaly here. Something is actively blocking my scan.

  • Noa - Means something is important in there. And dangerous. I'll handle that one, Ots. Granny Synth will be your call.

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