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Chapter 7 - The Three "Tacs" That Make a Tactician

A peculiar individual visits the enshrouded city scape under a commission. The air about him is stern and commands presence even without an audience. There was something about him that made him the real deal.

It's been a long while since I have gotten back into the business of teaching others the importance of tactics on and off the battlefield. Yet it only feels like yesterday when I have lead countless victories, even from the jaws of defeat. It was simply the four of us that banded together, practically outgunned and outnumbered, but never outmatched. And every time, without fail, we come out more triumphant than ever for years on end. Us being Professional Soldierswe knew that what we had was special in this landscape. The Endless Frontier has many opportunities for us to shine, but the relationship amongst ourselves was anything but stellar. Truth of the matter, some of us butted heads. Some of us flat out hated each other's guts. But that didn't stop us from making a name for ourselves as a group. We were known as the FourS [capital S included] because of all of our names starting with S. Sion, Silber, Sting, and myself; Sabine.


Many know of our names, but only a few have seen our faces. We've made good on that aspect for the sake of maintaining some anonymity. But it's even rarer that someone would go out their way to commission us directly. I did understand what Sion was wanting us to do, to spread our influence to people in need. Though, I care not for the semantics. Just an opportunity to strengthen my tactical might. That is my primary motivation for taking this "Mr. Brightside" up to his commission. However, I shouldn't give my real name to a bunch of chaff, and even the lieutenants to avoid any kind of commotion. After all, just the simple mention of any member of the FourS carries a lot of weight and notoriety.


I arrived at a military complex within Palopanera along with what seemed to be the client and two other men beside him. The hot pink suit made them stick out like a sore thumb, but there was something "interesting" about the two. Must be Donovan Claveker and and Brad Jegan.

  • Sabine - Nice to meet you all here, everyone. I'm sure my introduction is not necessary.

  • Mr. Brightside - Non non. Not at all. Everyone here has been briefed on your arrival and everything.

  • Donovan - Still a surprise to have a member of the FourS come to us for offering their services.

  • Brad - Yeah, I thought you guys were a bunch of recluses. Never offered to help, but was always there in time of need.

  • BS - Come now. They are our modern equivalent of The Aggressors, the tireless war heroes of another age that have done roughly the same even past their prime. Even some members of FourS end up using Armored Modules and Personal Troopers one would see as outdated or woefully outclassed by modern standards despite their customizations and personalized loadouts.

  • Sabine - Well, you certainly know how to flatter someone ha-ha. However, I'd like to establish something going forward. I'd like to be referred to under a different name in the general public.

  • BS - Oh?

  • D - I understand that. A known name like yours will only spell trouble. What should we refer to you as?

  • S - Camdus.

  • BS - So it is settled! Such a beautiful connotation to that name as well. I look forward to how you will help us slay our dragons.

Well, he certainly has a way with words. But behind that poppy, energetic personality, I can see a man as shrewd as he is cruel. He might prove himself useful in the coming events. But perhaps I need to powder him a little bit more​ to get what I need.

  • Sabine - Perhaps I can offer a live demonstration of my prowess. You can give me a few of your bottom rung soldiers, and you can pit them among the best with your own tactician too.

  • Brightside - Ohh, that sounds like a lovely idea.

Bingo. Took the bait very easily. Now to bring the tackle.​

  • Sabine - Make it 10 vs 3. Mechanized combat. I'm sure you can provide a venue for that?

  • Brightside - I can have that settled right away.

The other two seemed rather confused at what happened, but I had a feeling the thoughts running through their mind were as simple as the looks on their face. And that look... is a look of disbelief.​

  • Don - So what do you plan on doing with this exercise?

  • Brad - Yeah... You must be a little cracked to try and shape up three of our lowest performing soldiers against ten of our best.

  • Sabine - You'll see.

Many would assume tactics is a game of real-time strategy. Those who gamify the aspect are nothing more than overzealous fools who think holding and rushing are viable strategies. Instead, it should be treated like high-stakes poker. A lot of waiting, seeing, bluffing, and provoking your intended target to second guess themselves into making a critical mistake.​ And revealing a hand from a simple question can happen more often than you think. Whoever I am up against, they're going to be mightily surprised by the unexpected. 

Two beeps were sent to my PDA. Seems like I got the info I needed. The roster of soldiers I have, along with the ones I'm up against, and the opposing tactician. Seems like he's playing the part down to the outfit. Military general, decorated with badges, sharp eyes. A good poker face, but a paper tiger nonetheless. First order of business is to meet with the three I have under my command. 


On my way to the barracks as per Brightside's instruction, I was greeted with the three I was expecting. They did not disappoint my expectations. Slovenly, lazy, unmotivated soldiers that are probably third rate pilots under normal circumstances. However, this was nothing more than a diamond in the rough. These are probably the kind of soldiers put out to rear guard positions, the ones with the higher mortality rate and low survival ratings. Luck is on their side. So I decided to introduce myself just to capture their attention. 

  • Camdus - Hello everyone. My name is Camdus. I am here to help you with today's training exercise. What's your names?

The pudgy one went first. He seemed out of shape, but there was plenty of wind in his voice. A deceptive appearance indeed.​

  • Gustave - The name's Gustave Wayland, sir. I deal with the heavy arms and machinery.

Probably can handle artillery and breaking and entering strategies. The next one to introduce themselves was a very sleepy looking fellow. Probably chalked up to low blood pressure due to his relatively small stature and lack of correct posture.

  • Job - Job Herrington. Point Man.

Straight forward. Doesn't like fluff. Overall the ideal candidate for general purpose roles. The kind of guy I need for being able to do risky missions. People like this don't value their lives as often as they like to, but give them an opportunity for them to die, and they'll start singing a different tune. Lastly was the meek girl with the thick-rimmed glasses. She seemed timid ​from looking at the two who introduced themselves. However, the way she introduced herself with a little bow was more than enough to get an idea of what kind of personality she has.

  • Vivica - The name is Vivica Doan. P-pleasure to meet you. I-I handle the long-range support role for the team.

  • Camdus - Pleasure to meet all of you here.

Luck is truly on my side. I can't help but laugh at how much my luck has gone for the better. This creates so many opportunities, it hurts me silly. I still had to ask an important question. One that would determine the overall arrangement of their setup.​

  • Camdus - Are all of your units currently specialized to match the training and roles you've been tasked with?

  • Job - No. We've mostly been stuck in reserve units, so the most we've ever piloted were Huckes. Mass Produced Mk. IIs to be precise.

  • Gus - The most "specialization" we got were mostly weapon loadouts.

  • Vivi - We barely have a name for ourselves outside of being a bunch of third-rate misfits that just end up surviving some pretty harrowing ordeals from prior missions.

  • J - The most we get away with is some serious damages or used up ammunition and resources.

Down to the last breath. I have the perfect recipe and they're not even on the surface yet. I have to forge them through the fire, and this is a perfect opportunity.  Hmm... This truly bodes well. I have to give them the rundown of how I do things.​

  • Camdus - There are three "Tacs" that make a tactician. Tact, Tactics, and Taciturn. Tact because word choice can make or break a command and set of orders. Tactics to arrange these orders and being ready to change them on the fly in case the original plan ever deviates. And taciturn, which allows for letting silence play it's part. Knowing what to say and when to say it can have the greatest effect on overall results. Most people think that always having something to say is the most important thing to have. However, it's what and when that will provide you the key opportunities for a turn around. Plus, it provides a veil of confidence, and gives you room to think. I've followed this formula to a tee for years, and now I have an opportunity to impart this upon you as well.

  • Gus - Geez... You sure love to hear yourself talk...

  • C - Trust me when I say this. You're gonna wish I talked more. So let's not waste time and get our prep-work done.

I saw Vivica's face flush for a moment. Job's eyebrow furled as well.​

  • Vivica - Prepwork? Like actual preparation and stuff?

  • Job - Yeah, all we've really done has been basic training and simulations, but nothing in relation to actually touching our stuff. We usually have a crew for this kinda thing, and most of them are well beyond their years.

  • Gus - Practically set us up to fail.

  • Camdus - All the more reason to do so. And besides, I've already thought up some arrangements once we head to the hangar.

Once we got to the hangar, I finally saw the three units they were using. Generic mass production models at best, aside from one of them. An R-Blade, a Wildraubiter, and the most interesting of the bunch... a Seigerlion. How they let a Seiger fall into their hands is beyond me. Now to find out who piloted what, and what they'll be piloting now.​

  • C - Just to get a good idea of who had what, sound off now.

  • G - I have the R-Blade.

  • V - Wildraubiter.

  • J - Process of elimination.

Good, it makes sense based on their preferences. However, it is as clear as day what their weaknesses are. All of their units vary in armor quality, just leaving the R-Blade being the toughest of the bunch. I gotta sell this perfectly.​

  • C - If you want to attain victory, this is the change I'll be making to the line up. Gus, you'll be going with the Wildraubiter.

  • G - HUH!?

  • C - Like you've stated, you like to charge into the frontlines. Giving you a lighter unit will get you to do much smarter maneuvers, and capitalize on your skills of breaking and entering.

  • G - Hmm... you know what? That makes sense.

  • C - Just keep in mind you won't be able to take a hit due to the frame being the way it is to make way for transformation. Next, Vivica. You'll be taking the R-Blade.

  • V - A-are you sure about this?

  • C - You may be good with long-range, but I fear that your inability to engage in close quarters may be a glaring opening for enemies to pick off from. Getting used to close combat is practically essential for you. Plus, the R-Blade's mobility is more than enough to help you escape than it is to close the distance as well.

  • V - Oh... I kinda get it. Through our weaknesses, we can find our strengths! 

Before I could move onto Job, I felt his gaze cast over me something fierce. Though, this was the reaction I was expecting from someone who carries pessimism on his sleeves. ​

  • J - So, y'all are really going to entrust your lives to some nobody who just decides to pit us up against the best soldiers and pilots Palopanera has to offer without our consent? We barely know this guy for a day, and already you're hooked this false idea of hope he's selling to us. This guy must be a bullshit artist, or someone completely lost in delusions of grandeur. And honestly, I'm hoping it's the former.

He was trying to size me up as he was closer and closer to me, but we were barely at eye length, and chest width to even come close to intimidating me. So, I decided to play right into his hand. Play it well enough to weave him into mine.

  • C - You have every right to doubt me. Heck, you are justified to hold onto those suspicions of yours. However, have you thought of the variables of the what ifs? What if you succeeded defeating top of the line soldiers. That leads into a long line of other victories and support in the future. I'd say, you are in the most ideal condition to achieve that possibility.

  • J - In what sense?

  • G - Well, they probably won't take us seriously.

  • V - And they're probably gonna laugh at us while we get used to our new units.

  • C - And using that moment of confusion and hubris will allow us to sweep them without fail, regardless of what they use. And there's a good chance they may be using live fire in the middle of this exercise.

  • J - What!? 

Caught you.​

  • C - They may even try to pass it off as an accident too if they could. But I thought you'd be the least concerned about dying. If anything, your half-empty approach made me think you're borderline nihilistic. That's why you have the Seigerlion. You're looking for an opportunity to die, so I'm giving it to you on a platter. But if you disagree with that direction, then by all means... prove me wrong in the field where it counts.

On the corner of my eye, I saw him shake and ball his fist up. Read him like a book well enough to calculate the impact of what needed to be said. Before he could say anything, a group of middle to old-aged men stained in grease approached us. Those must be the engineers. The oldest certainly had the most pep out of all of his fellow engineers.  

  • Gus - Yo, Shinguji! What's up?

  • Shinguji - We put some last minute fixes to your units. Do wanna warn ya that the Wildraubiter's transformation module did get dinged up during the last fight, so only transform into the bipedal mode if you need to. So... what's goin' on here? We having a meeting?

  • Vivica - Yup, Camdus here is giving us a rundown before the exercise. We'll be swapping the pilots of our units.

  • Sg - So I take it we're gonna need to do some universal changes?

  • Camdus - Leave them as is.

Shinguji takes a look towards Job, who is still rattled from my comments. He goes over to Job, and gives him reassurance the only way he could.​

  • S - Say... you wanna know why I entrusted this unit to you?

  • J - Why?

  • S - Because you reminded me of someone I knew who piloted this thing from hell and back. They put their life on the line, knowing the risks everyday to protect others. It's my pride and joy that has lasted in many ways I never thought it could survive. You may have banged it up a little bit...

  • J *chuckles* - define a little bit

  • S - But the one thing that still stands is that thankfulness you have coming back from each and every mission. It's a great feeling being alive. And every moment of it deserves its thanks. Because with that, you got two other people who can see tomorrow because of you.

  • J - Shin...

An old, but golden smile was worn on Shinguji's face as he brought Job towards him, sobbing loudly and sloppily. Certainly does bring a tear to my eye, but sentimentalism doesn't go anywhere without progress.​

  • Camdus - I believe everyone is ready?

  • Gus - Yup!

  • Vivica *in Vietnamese* - Yes, sir.

  • Job - *sniffles* Don't think for a moment you've won me over just yet. Until you prove to me what you are capable of, I won't stop giving you shit until you get bored of me.

I gathered everyone together for one big meeting. It's about time that we discuss the necessary strategies we'll be using for the mock battle. All I do know is this... luck is truly on my side here. And when I win, everything I have in mind will be set into motion. Getting access to that area I've been meaning to do for years will finally be feasible. And in helping them, this kills two birds with one stone. One, very bright stone.​

  • Camdus - Alright, listen up. Here's how we're gonna win.

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