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Chapter 10: The Coming Storm

Mission preparations are underway over in Palopanera. The hustle and bustle of crew members and tools filled the air of the hangar. All the while, Terra and Sabine have a group of soldiers and the Black Lion Squad all corralled together for a quick briefing. The soldiers were restless and wild in comparison to the composed the Black Lions.

  • Terra - You understand your orders. Make sure to carry them out to the fullest. Got that?

  • ALL - Aye ma'am!

  • Camdus (Sabine) - Get to your positions and get ready to sortie. We don't have any time to waste on antics.

  • Minuano 5 - What's in it for us again? I wanna be sure what we are fighting for here?

Sabine was calmly looking over to the rowdy soldier, as if he was prepared to give a sermon to him.​

  • Camdus - Those who participate and contribute well to the operation will have their sentences greatly reduced, no matter the crime committed.

All of the Minuano squad members were hooting and hollering at the news.​

  • Minuano Squadron Leader - You hear that boys and girls? Be on your best game, and you too may get your chance to finally taste freedom and feel the touch of whoever you wanna feel. So, shut up, suit up, and get ready to ship out. 

  • Minuano Squad - Aye aye, Sir!

All of the Minuano Squad started to head to their Amparos's to sortie. The Black Lions staggered behind as Terra and Sabine nudged them over.​

  • Camdus - Remember your true objective.

  • Terra - And don't hesitate either.

  • Sentou - Understood. It still doesn't feel right though.

  • Eladore - Still feels like we're shepherding them to their death.

  • Casval - Hey, as long as there's less of those criminals, that's fine with me. Not everyday we can actually pull the trigg-

  • Camdus - Say no more, and head to your positions now.

  • ALL - Aye.​

The Black Lion Squadron moved to their Lion units to prepare for the operation. Madbull watches the chaos unfold unbothered and has his sights set on Sabine.​

  • Madbull - I never thought you had it in you to start using conscripted criminals to do your dirty work.

  • Camdus - *chuckles* That's funny. But do not misunderstand my intentions. I work to improve misfits, not miscreants. I'm just merely filtering out the remainders of what ever the late general had in his system. 

  • MB - You... are quite the cruel one in your own sick, twisted way.

  • Cam - Glad to see the maestro is paying his respects. Let's not dawdle around and move onto more pressing matters.​

The effort to get this base up and running into a proper outfit was underway. A few days were spent doing odd jobs and handyman work to try and get the funds and personnel to help bring notoriety to us. There was only one critical problem... we have no name.

  • Otsdarva - We've been pulling the cart before the horse...

  • Noa - Gee, who's bright idea was it to just simply spring into action and start claiming shit from the get go? I get the lack of money can be a problem, but that shouldn't be an excuse to jump to conclusions.

  • O - And you tagged along. What does that say about you?

  • N - I just don't wanna see you fall on your ass, okay?

  • Sion - Settle down and think things through for a moment. No one said that coming up with a name is the priority. Sometimes the name comes afterwards after getting yourselves out there. That's how FourS got started. We initally started as just four nobodies that did our jobs REALLY well. Times may have changed, but the nature of the game has not.

Noa scoffed at Sion at first, but accepted the fact in front of her. We just needed that flash of inspiration. And it wasn't gonna come to us just sitting on our asses. Ayla soon came into the room with a PDA tablet in hand.​

  • Ayla - Hey guys. Look at this.

She scrolls upon a multitude of records and archives left behind in the facility. The one thing that stuck out in particular was a design. A basic emblem with a shield, spear, and sword all put together.​

  • Otsdarva - Woah, that's a pretty cool design. Like the colors on it, too. A simple blue and yellow to make it stand out.

As enticed as he was, he still couldn't shake off something that was bothering him when looking at the emblem.​

  • O - 129th Autonomous Armored Defense Corp? Was this a separate unit?

  • Ayla - According to archives, they were the splinter group of Shadow Mirror that was created to inhabit the Endless Frontier. At the time, there were instances of having units with the Timeflow Engine present in the base. But any info regarding that was wiped. And to further that, some parts of the base have been deliberately blocked off.

  • O - Meaning that engine is long gone. And any semblance of that kind of thing was erased so no one could have it. Must've been very dangerous.

  • A - Agreed. By that point, this division was only responsible for security and defensive operations, intervening in matters that would lead to worse results if left unchecked. The last time they were tasked in chasing after otherworldly tech, it crippled them tremendously.

  • Sion - How so?

  • A - The hangar should be a good enough indicator. Aside from the Palisade, there are six slots in total. All of which those units that were inhabiting them were either destroyed or disappeared. This includes two Razangriffs, one Gespenst, one R-Eins, and a testbed model that stood alongside the Palisade.

  • Noa - Testbed ya say? Any idea what it coulda been?

  • A - No clear distinction. All that was left was the designation, "Testbed MPGF".

Noa nods her head and rubs her chin. ​

  • N - Riiiight~

Ayla furrows her brow towards Noa, who is looking away from her out of fear of suspicion.​

  • O - *ahem*... Back to the main topic at hand. It seems like this place was missing a name. Something to be remembered by. Lord knows calling this place the 129th Autonomous Armored Defense Corp is a mouthful. 

Suddenly, Otsdarva clasped his hand and fist in a stacking fashion. A eureka moment came to him.​

  • O - The most important thing to do now is to come up with a name, and lay down a foundation. It's the least we can do.

  • Sion - And besides. Wouldn't it be funny to have a phantom troop come back after a long period of dormancy? Imagine the looks on everyone's faces in seeing an emblem of a long-forgotten military unit?

  • O - That'd be cool. Y'know what? I think we're ready! Now... we just need to know where to start.

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