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BEAT 2: You'll never catch her lacking

Noa is now an official member of the Delphinium team. However, can Otsdarva survive his first night with her?

The First Hour

  • Otsdarva - Hey Noa!

The echoes of the hangar carried the voices all the way to the ceiling, where Noa was hidden. She drops from the ceiling in a shadowy streak. Once she lands, she rubs her eyes and yawns in mostly undershirt and boy shorts.​

  • Noa - *yawwwwn* ~sup~?

  • O - Y'know there are some beds you can actually sleep in.

  • N - I have my reasons. And besides, we only met a quick moment ago. I don't trust you like that. I'm fine with sleeping in the ceilings anyway.

  • O - Can you try what comfort feels like JUST once instead of sleeping on the beams? I know you're trying to be cool, but it certainly ain't comfy for ya.

  • N - Jeez, you sound like my dad if he still gave a damn. Fine, I'll sleep on the couch.

  • O - Cool

  • N - On one condition.

  • O - Name it.

  • N - DON'T. TOUCH. ME. I'll say it so slow that a kindergartener would wish for me to speed up the pace. If you know what's good for ya, I suggest you heed my words.

  • O - Any reason why?

Noa stared at Otsdarva for moment, then headed towards the couch with her blanket in hand.

  • N - Nothing that concerns you. You still seem like a very cherry boy, so I will tell you when you're older.

  • O - Oh HA HA, I'm old enough to drink, drive and enter gentlemen's establishments.

  • N - Jesus, man... do you hear yourself? You sound exactly like a kid who's "grown" after tasting their dad's liquor cabinet. It's embarrassing. This should be more than enough cringe to put me to sleep...

  • O - Oooh kaaaay.

Noa was fast asleep. Not a single sound of breathing or snoring could be heard from her. Just pure stillness. Her entire body was pointing towards the backrest of the couch, leaving her back exposed.​ A small chill came blowing into the hangar. However, there seemed to be no reaction from Noa. In a kind gesture, Otsdarva decides to give her a blanket.

  • Otsdarva - Would be a shame if she caught a cold. However... I can't shake the feeling that as I get closer to her, the stronger her "pressure" is.

Sheet in hand, Otsdarva tries to cover Noa up. But the pressure grew stronger. He peaked an noticed Noa's head slightly turned towards him with a piercing glare. One that would instantly spell demise for not heeding her warning. Otsdarva decides to throw the blanket high enough for it to fall on her, but before it could ever fall on her, she drove her hand with such speed and force, that it made clean hole through the sheets before quickly retracting to her body. The whole scene left Otsdarva perturbed. However, it didn't stop him from finding more ways to help cover her up.​

The Second Hour

There was no change in Noa's position until a few minutes after the second hour hit. She turned over, face up, and arm and leg dangling off the sofa.

  • O - Jesus, she sleeps like the dead. No snoring or anything. Doesn't seem to complain much about the chill either... yet it kinda bothers me.

Otsdarva, with a catch pole in hand, and a blanket on the prods, tries to descend the blanket from a safe distance. The closer he got to putting the blanket over her, the more intense the pressure from her became. Only this time, both eyes were trained on him with a more intense gaze, with eyes glowing brighter every second.​

  • O - *Gehh*

He froze for a moment, hoping that the gaze trained on him would cease. It did not. Not willing to risk whatever fate was waiting for him if pursued, Otsdarva meekly pulls back the catch pole and shelves his attempt.

The Final Hour

At this point, Otsdarva gave up on trying to cover up Noa to shield her from the cold. After witnessing two instances of violent pressure and action from a distance, he decided to watch her instead. This time... she got up. Half-asleep, she makes her way to the bathroom. Otsdarva's heart was quickly running colder and colder as she walked around. Nary a sound could be heard from her bare feet on the floor. Curious as to how she would make it, Otsdarva tails her from a distance.

  • Otsdarva (internally) - Two rights down the corridor, and one left. Should be easy.

And that she did. She made her way to the bathroom with no problem, with Otsdarva still tailing her down the hall. However, he noticed that she stopped in front of the door. In a quick glimpse, Otsdarva saw that her eyes were closed. Leading him to believe the entire time, Noa didn't open her eyes once. In thinking that, Noa was looking at his direction. Otsdarva's heart was beating like crazy, but held his ground to see what was going to happen next.​


Noa soon disappeared into the bathroom. Curiosity piqued, Otsdarva decided to head back into the hangar. But before he could take another step, a gust of wind could be felt on his back before a swift impact could be felt on his back. Noa dropkicked him at full speed, but took great care in missing his spine.

  • O- *ack*

  • N (tired) - I know I'm irresistible, but damn, you just don't know how to fucking listen, do ya?

  • O - The onus is on me this time around. More importantly... you were-

  • N - Keeping an eye on your antics? Yeah, I was pretty fucking aware of it. And another thing... you didn't catch a wink of sleep, did you?

  • O - No... I did not. Ow.

Noa dusted herself off, picked up Otsdarva and dusted him off too, and took a deep breath.

  • N - I know you meant well. Really. I've trained my body to take on harsh conditions, so a little breeze is nothing to me. Just... please respect my boundaries next time. I wouldn't be happy in the slightest if I accidentally killed you in my sleep.

  • O - Noted. And uh... sorry. I just didn't want you to catch a cold or anything. Though, why the defensive measures?

  • N - Long story, don't wanna talk about it.

  • O - I see.

  • N - However, I'll let ya know in another story.

Noa stares off into the distance, almost pretending to look at a camera.​

  • O - A-another? And what are you looking at? Noa?

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