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Chapter 7.5 - Making a Mockery

The Mock Battle begins. 10 vs 3, Top Class pilots vs bottom rung. How will this play out?

Focus Point: Sabine

The festivities are about to start, and here I am feeling right at home within my Schutzwald. I kept a watchful eye on the two parties that were getting into position. I happened to notice the line up that the opposing team has: three Gespenst Mk. II Ms, three R-Eins, and the colored up ones must be specialists. A green Guarlion Custom with some sort of long-range rifle, a black and gold  Ashsaber with a M90 Machine Gun, a white and blue MP Huckebein Mk II, and a red Lion. All of them arranged in the center. They must feel confident. So much so they think it'll be a sweep.


Two beeps sound out from my comms unit. Send the communication feed to video, only to be greeted by a man decorated in what I'd like to call "despotic decorum attire". Laden with badges I'm sure he doesn't even know what they stand for, but were given just to feed into a dangerous ego. He's also accompanied by Brightside, the Wildcards, and the Chairmembers, Brad and Donovan. I couldn't help but notice a peculiar kind of grin on this dime-store general. One that only a person who thinks victory is assured would have on their face: a shit-eating one. It didn't take long to cement that sentiment when he opened his mouth.

  • General Rand - *ahem* Greetings Mr. Camdus. It's a shame that you couldn't meet up with us in person in the war room. I was kind of looking forward to meeting you in person.

That's kind of the point...​

  • The name is General Rand Ayman. A decorated general and leader of the proud fighting force of Palopanera. I do appreciate you in arranging this little exercise-

Here it comes...​

  • But don't you think you are in over your head in thinking that you can take these three miscreants up against my elite team of pilots?

There it is. Still with that damn grin on his face. He just doesn't know what a metric ton fuck up he made just by pushing these "miscreants" aside to die.​

  • Camdus - On the contrary, I have great faith in my team. I'll see it through that they will prevail against all odds.

  • Gen. Rand - You're welcome to try. HAHAHAHAHAHA

In the end, I'll be the one laughing like a jackass. You... you'll be the jackass of the century - no, even the millennium.​ Though, I did catch a peak on one of the Wildcards. The scruffy man with aviator shades must be Madbull. He didn't seem to think of that general so highly the way he jeered away from the general. I guess the sentiment is worn on everyone's sleeves: they do not like him one bit.

I switched over to my second channel to see what was going on with Job and the team. I see they're getting into position. We do start off on a neutral playing field. Fights could take place either in the abandoned urban zone or the mountain ranges. I planned for a wealth of situations that would involve those scenarios. But the main advantage we have here is not the environment, but rather the circumstances. Ten well-trained soldiers going up against three failures. Just like the general, they thing the battle is already won. They don't even bother getting into formation because of it too. Now to watch the fireworks.


Focus Point: Job

The nerves were getting to me. Almost to the point of making me vomit. I could feel my hands, hell my entire body just tremble at the thought. However, Camdus has faith in all of us. He's even on the field keeping a watchful eye to give us instruction

Three beeps sounded out from the comms unit: seems like open channel invocation from the other team. They must got some nerve, huh?

  • Dewey - To all who are competing in this exercise. My name is Dewey Langford. Leader of the Swallowtail Unit. I am the pilot of the Ashsaber. The Huckebein is Renten Kingsley, Guarlion Custom is Ban Bushujima, Lion is Redd Lion. The Gespensts and R-Eins are all part of the Feathers Unit, a subdivision of the Swallowtails. Let the best team win.

  • Job - Kinda haughty of ya to introduce yourselves to us on an open channel like that instead of getting into formation. But if you insist... the name is Job Herrington, pilot of the Siegerlion. My teammates are Gustave Wayland, Wildraubiter's pilot, and Vivica Doan, R-Blade.

  • D - That's odd... that doesn't match up with the... in any case. I just wanted to approach this exercise like good sportsmen. I do respect the need to be in gear against us, but you know the futility of it all.

Bastard. But he slipped. They probably were expecting us to be in our usual units. It's just like Camdus said, they're not only taking us lightly, but they're using unrefined intel. That means... our victory is assured! Gus has been flying around for some time, and the way the Lion is looking, they're ready to intercept. I just have to buy only a minute of that Lion's time, so it's time for me to do what a point man does best!


The intercom blared a horn. In no time flat, I accelerate straight ahead to the crowd. Before I could reach them, I braked with the energy emissions of the Break Sabers to kick up enough dust. Vivi, catching wind of my idea, followed behind me and barreled straight towards the Feathers.

  • Vivica - I'll pull the Feathers attention. Gus, get ready to lose weight.

  • Gus - On it!

A warning came up. Missiles. Lots of 'em. Probably from the Ashsaber. I dashed as sharply to the right and headed towards Red Lion's position, but it was gone. I fired off a few shots from my G-Railgun. One shot nearly hit them in the arm from behind. That near-miss, however, worked in my favor in distracting him a little bit. I jumped to the skies to catch a glimpse of what their formation was. The Huckbein and Guarlion Custom split up to probably catch up with the Feathers and Red Lion respectively. Before the dust settled, a CQB warning was sounding out in the cockpit, Dewey was coming.

  • D - Why you! This was supposed to be an easy win.

  • J - If that's what you thought, man, then you're in for a rude awakening.

I pivoted and dodged his slash. He did chase me up in the air, so I had plenty of time to prepare a counterattack. But I was waiting for something. He's probably saving those for later if he feels if there's a checkmate situation. Suddenly, he did it. Just like Camdus said. 

  • D - Deploying Swordbreakers!

Swordbreakers are out. However, they're a bit less sporadic to lay on some thick offense. Plus, Siegerlion has great air mobility. Which means...

  • J - Checkmate, Dewey. Break Sabers active!​​

I extended the sabers towards the Swordbreakers and destroyed them in one wide sweep. That only left Dewey's unit with whatever onboard weapons he had. Now, all I had to do was keep him busy until the numbers dwindle down.


Focus Point - Vivica (Vietnamese in italics for translation)

Piloting this R-Blade felt weird. It does have a bit of speed like the Wildraubiter, but the weight of it seems kinda off to me. I seem to be getting the hang of swinging that weight around though... almost satisfying. On anorther note, I did manage to pull a lot of attention of the Feathers... and Him. I recognized that Huckebein Mk.II anywhere. â€‹I decided to humor my approach and confirm if it was exactly him. If I can mess with him just a little bit, I can get a bit of payback and disrupt his command all in one go; two birds with one stone.

  • Vivica - Hey there, old buddy.

  • ??? - Huh? A private line? And... Vivica? Is that you? What are you doing in that R-Blade?

  • V - Nothing that concerns you. Not that you would understand anything about me in the first place, idiot.

  • ??? - Aw, c'mon. Are you still mad about that? I did whatever I could in order to get you into the Swallowtail Unit. To get you OUT of that division you're currently stuck in.

  • V - Leith, the fact that you treat that as a softball issue is more concerning. That wasn't a small issue at all. I told you to not butt in and give me special treatment. But I guess being a long-time friend was good enough motivation for you to do so anyway.

  • Leith - Vivi, I-

I distracted Leith long enough for him to create some confusion among the Feathers. I even saw a pair of R-Eins look at each other wondering what was going on. Perfect timing. Gus was ready to flyby and drop a payload of paint bombs into the crowd. 

  • Gustave - Hey Viv, here comes a special delivery. Time to bail out.

  • V - Gotcha. Climbing up now.

Bombs were already underway, and the R-Blade could adjust and climb on the fly... really great mobility. I can definitely get used to this. As soon as I got to the air, the bomb landed and hit its target. More than half of the Feathers were tagged, leaving only one Gespenst and R-Eins out of the 8 units in total. Leith probably caught on too late and boosted away to not get tagged by the paint. Would've been a nice splotch of pink to ruin that white and blue paintjob of his.​


The fighting was slowing down. Job was keeping their leader busy, Gus has the two Lions after him, and I'm pulling my heat towards the abandoned urban outskirts nearby our position. Just before I could land into the city, I saw two beams wiz right through the building where I was going to land on. Both came from Leith's Huckebein.  He then tried contacting me again. Persistent asshole. Though, I was the one who started this... I'll end it as such. 

  • Leith - How long will you keep holding a grudge like this? 

I couldn't help but hear a faint chatter. Probably his superior barking orders at him on the side. Doesn't sound any way happy one bit.​

  • Vivica - Depends. How long will you not see that what you have been responsible for will keep damaging my ability to trust you?

  • L- You think I like having to dance to the tune of my superiors and their investors? This harem is not my idea. However, I'm doing this to raise morale among the troops and others. Jeez, Vivi. You were always like this ever since we were little. Never was one to see the bigger picture.

I managed to adjust my landing well enough to get some cover, but the R-Eins and Gespy were waiting to pincer me. If that was the case, then Leith was probably behind the building I landed.​

  • V - Bigger picture? The one I grew up with who couldn't even tie his own shoelaces or sleep with the lights on can see a bigger picture all of a sudden? If you think jerking someone's feelings around for a "greater good" is a well-thought out idea for a bigger picture, then you are an honest-to-goodness villain. 

Warning bells... heat warning!? Leith drove his Roche Saber through the building, forcing me to move away. The R-Eins and Gespenst made their move before I could take cover to another building. My best best, following Camdus's advice was to take the least mobile one head-on. I kicked off a building to boost towards the Gespenst, which seemed like they weren't prepared for my approach. In quick succession, I cut off their left arm, and stabbed the back of their left leg, and finished them off with​ one G-Revolver shot to the back. That's one taken down, leaving the Huckebein Mk. II and the R-Eins.


The R-Eins took to the skies to try and get vantage. Unaware of their situation, Gus was still hovering around my position with Red Lion on his tail. He fired off a couple of missile and tagged the R-Eins out of the sky before he pulled up. Before I could catch a breather, I was blindsided by Leith and pressed against the building.

  • Leith - I took the name Renten Kingsley so I can be the hero of Palopanera. To give hope to those that lost hope. If that makes me a villain to you, you who still holds onto me as Leith Valeth, then so be it. I'm sorry that the boy you grew up with became this way. It's my fault for not taking your feelings into account too. However, I'm not going to lie to myself and make the mistake of throwing away an opportunity. So I would like to present you an opportunity as well Vivica. Join me. I can get you a spot since you've proven yourself capable of going toe-to-toe against the Feathers and a member of Swallowtail. Throw away that petty grudge and we can flourish together. All you have to do is power down and get out of the R-Blade.

Focus Point: Gustave

Red bastard is on my tail. They've been on my tail the entire time, but not once have they taken a shot against me. It does seem strange they've allowed my to do bombing runs and and air-to-air engagements, but it's been creeping me out. And a standard Lion shouldn't be moving that fast too. Must've been souped up with some sort of accel booster. I must say though, I'm surprised I've been handling this Wildraubiter pretty well. Almost handles as well as the R-Blade. Though... the old fogies did tell me to only use the bipedal mode in case of an emergency. Use it too often or at a certain speed, and the transformation module will malfunction. Great, I'm in a flying coffin.


Boss is handling the Ashsavior pretty well. Managed to disarm him and take off his arm. Viv on the other hand, she's gonna need some back up. That only leaves the Lion on my tail, and the Guarlion Custom. Come to think of it... where is he? He did have a gnarly looking gu-


It was only for a split moment, but I saw the Lion behind me peel off for a quick second. I took a wild guess and narrowly dodged what seemed to be a high-velocity bullet that pieced a hole in the clouds. Live rounds. I dodged as hard as I could, noticing the Red Lion finally charging up its railguns as I was looking through the cockpit cameras. I boosted as hard as I could to dodge and outmaneuver whatever pincer trap I was put in. Ended up succeeding just by a hair's breadth with the clouds acting as cover for me. That's when I heard monotonous voices. A synthesized voices of what sounded like a guy and a girl.

  • Red Lion - Shot missed mark. Readjust for potential positioning.

  • Guarlion Custom - Adjusting. Continue tailing the prey.

I almost forgot.​

  • Gustave - You must be Ban and Redd. I guess I have the misfortune of squaring off against you guys. Though, letting me get your allies like that is rather disappointing.

  • Ban - Negligible. 

  • Redd - Their fault for not paying attention. Their fault for underestimating.

Jeez, not even one of them wisecracking. No fun at all, and certainly out to kill. Almost wounds me that they brush their allies aside like that. More importantly, the fact I couldn't focus on finding the Guarlion Custom makes it even more dangerous the longer this goes on. I gotta think about what Camdus told me. I think it was something amongst the lines of... BINGO


I pulled a hard turn left and tried to shake off the Lion. Had to deliver on the illusion that I was aiming for their sniper. I stalled for a bit and barreled down as much as I could until I could see the patches of green on the ground. 

  • G - "if your opponent or opponents love a cat and mouse game, make the act of the kill more enticing than the kill itself." Cam, you got some simple thinking, but I have full on faith on what you're telling me here. Now to gamble it!

I killed my engines for just a moment and initiated the transformation process. I was practically a free meal for both Ban and Redd, but, if I could take out at least one of them, that'd be cool with me. The ground was steadily approaching on my descent. The noises of gears and latches connecting played in symphony with a concerning noise of ratchets and groaning metal coming together. Everything was dark... until one final click came together. Light! Cameras! And with a bit of thrust to push myself upward during freefall, I pulled out my Semi-Autos and spread my arms wide enough for Red Lion to dodge awkwardly. They zoomed right past me. And then...​

  • G - Gotchu now!​

Nailed them right on the back. Redd was out of the running. In turn, a huge explosion ripped through my right side. My arm was taken off by another round of a high-velocity bullet. I had no choice but to make a slow descent to the ground. Had to use my other arm to shield the cockpit and hold onto what was left of the circuitry. That's when I noticed the Guarlion Custom's position. It was atop a plateau nearby the urban outskirts. That unwieldy long-barreled gun looked vaguely familiar until it hit me.  â€‹

  • G - The HVSC-00 Cantata Sniper Cannon. Not many of those were made combat ready. How'd you get your hands on that?

  • Ban - Trade secret. And don't try to wine and dine me for it either. I can hold my liquor pretty damn well.

Huh, now he has a sense of humor. Go figure.​

Focal Point: Sabine

The team seemed to handle everything else pretty well. Exceeded my expectations greatly. However, I didn't take into consideration the emotional ramifications regarding ONE of the members of the Swallowtail Unit. I can, with great confidence, say that Vivica can handle this situation pretty fine. Having done my research, I can also say that each of them will flourish greatly the more operations I will take them on.

*beep beep beep*

Sounds like someone is giving me a nice little call. Who could tha-


Sabine - Now now, General. You should know better to underestimate your enemies like that. That's the best way to get blindsided... as you are currently experiencing with your precious Swallowtails.

  • GA - Don't get a bighead because of the lead you have, Camdus.

  • S - Lead? I have no concern about winning or losing. Just making a statement.

  • GA - Statement?

  • S - Yeah. That you are nothing more than a paper tiger. A bombastic, jingoistic fool who has been propped up and decorated for publicity sake.

There was a moment of murmured silence. Then a boisterous chuckle emanated from the other side of the call. It was certainly Madbull, judging from the deep, bassy voice I've gathered from from the dossiers I've obtained.

  • Madbull - Finally. Someone says it! You certainly haven't been disappointing in the slightest, Cam. 

  • GA - Oh shut up, Bull. This is all a fluke. An absolute sham. 

  • MB - Your "finest" are struggling against a bunch of schmoes. I'd chalk it up to you not doing your homework, and thinking it was gonna be a free win. I won't take away the fact that your soldiers are well-trained and capable, but they too were just as big-headed and ignorant as you. Own up to your ineptitude, fuckhead.

  • GA - The nerve of you...

  • S - And let's not forget the little lover's spat going on between one of our operatives. All on an open channel. It'd be a shame if that got out to the open public about how the Feathers is actually a media-sponsored harem with an unwilling participant.

The General went silent again. But, I wasn't going to let him breathe. I had to land the killing blow. The nail in the coffin for him, and the perfect stepping stone for me to begin my plan in earnest.​

  • S - General Ayman, perhaps it is you who is the true fluke. Squandered military resources to feed an insatiable ego that led nowhere but downhill. Perhaps you were backed into a corner, turning your proud warriors into glorified celebrities, dulling their senses and duty into a quantifiable farce. And the fact that your prime fighting force is having trouble against objectively lambasted vagabonds, people resigned to die in silence due to circumstances that are well under your control, is a testament to you ineptitude. I suggest you relinquish your duties of general to someone who is more than capable of bringing progress than results.

  • GA - ............

And the dog has died a death while still being alive. He had nothing to say after that.​

  • Brightside - I think it is time for a restructuring after all. Starting today, Rand Ayman will be relieved of his duties as General and member of the Tactician's Board due to outstanding factors of misuse of resources and capital. We will be doing internal investigations to see who else has been involved in such misuse of resources.


Sounded like he stormed out of the war room. Probably going to gun after me. Unfortunately for him, there's a valid reason why I'm always on the field. And for our now Ex-General, he will be put on permanent leave the moment he steps foot on my turf.​


And like clockwork, I see something fast approaching. Looks like olive drab colored MP Huckebein Mk II, a Huckebein Trainer Type with a Divine Arm in one hand, and a machine gun in the other. I had my Nebuchadnezzar Backpack Cannons charged and open, ready to fire. As he was approaching, I can hear him on a loudspeaker coming from the Trainer.


My cannons blossomed open, revealing the supercharged barrels and lit up panels. The crackling energy was loud enough to penetrate through the cockpit. As soon as he was well within kill range, I dropped weight and anchored my unit to brace for the recoil. And then... VABOOM! The cannons fired out an irradiated beam directly towards the Huckebein Trainer, practically vaporizing it and Rand all in one go. I then made the announcement on the loudspeaker, and on open channels.​

  • S - This fight is officially over. former General, Rand Ayman has been executed after being revealed as a traitor to the nation. All units are to stand down and disarm immediately. Refusal to do so will be acceptance of being an accessory to treason.

Just kidding... kinda. However, this thunderous approach certainly has a nice heralding sensation as to what will be coming next. My path to my ambitions have just been set. And those three will help me achieve it.​

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