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BEAT 6: Fatal Four Way

A Pirate, a Princess, and a venerable god walk in a game store. What happens next...?

The scene was tense. Tension so thick, you can cut it with a knife. Otsdarva found himself at a showdown with three Displaced entities that ended up passing through the dimensional gate. Captain Jay, a pirate who sailed the mighty seas, Princess Quinn R, a benevolent royal ice mage, and Future, a dark god born from the moon.  Each were holding a card towards each others faces. Some remained still, some showed confidence, but one thing was certain: no one was going to waver in the face of opposition... until...

  • Future - Well, it IS your turn, Jay. What will it be? You aren't planning on stalling, are you?

  • Cpt. Jay - Me? Stall? Nooo. I'm just thinking of a plan. Just gotta trust in the cards, baby!

  • Quinn - Put too much trust, and you'll go bust in no time.

Jay puts his card down. A Draw 4 for his color of choice. The expressions were split half and a half.​

  • Otsdarva - Tch...

  • Future - Hmmhm!

  • Quinn - Aww...

  • Jay - You got the smaller number of cards here, Quinn. You're a threat.

  • O - I mean, she already won a few games at this point, so she's the pack leader.

  • Jay - All the more reason to-

  • F - 7.

  • Jay - HUH? 

  • Q - Uno really does bring out the evil in some people, doesn't it?

  • F *snarky* - Indeed it does.

Future and Quinn swapped their hands, leaving them with the cards they exchanged with. However, Otsdarva found an opportunity.​

  • O - Zero! I'm willing to take these odds too.

Everyone rotated their hands clockwise.​

  • Jay - You know, we've been going at this for hours now. Maybe we can... I dunno, up the stakes a bit?

  • Q - Like a wager?

  • F - I don't know... high-stakes UNO sounds like a bad idea. Believe me, I've seen it happen. Neeever ends pretty.

  • O - Jeez, what kind of Uno sessions have you been to?

  • F - Don't worry about it.

  • Q - Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it wouldn't jeopardize our friendship here... right? We ARE a team after all.

  • Jay - You can count on me here. Nothing damning or indecent, Just uh... losers have to do a truth or dare from the winner.

  • F - Oh boy... this was one of them. I'mma say that be glad alcohol is not involved here.

  • O - Oh wow, your hair bands are actually glowing. Must be some strange sense huh?

  • F - What are you talking about, Ots?

  • O - You can't feel the... you know what? Never mind.

  • Q - I mean, we can always save it for the next session with the other Buns, right?

  • Jay - I guess so. It'll make things more fun anyways too. And besides... it beats my previous idea.

Everyone stopped to look at Jay. Wondering what other idea he had in mind. ​

  • Q - What idea DID you have in mind?

  • F - Yeah, Jay. Don't hold out on the class. Share. Share.

Jay hid part of his face with the Uno cards. In a brief moment, Otsdarva noticed a smirk flashing through his cards. Perplexed, Otsdarva leaned into the table.​

  • O - Why the happy face?

  • J - Heheh, don't worry about it.

It was a quiet hum that rolled into the game store. Fog slowly seeped in, and the air was gradually becoming stale.​ Everyone was feeling a sharp chill running down their spine. All while Jay's eyes were glowing green, and his voice becoming more and more ghastly.

  • J - Alright. I'll tell you. I was thinking of another high stakes match. An elimination type of setting. Whoever was the biggest loser would have their soul trapped in Davy Jones's Locker. And if it was just the two of us, whoever loses then would be stuck there... FOR ETERNETY!

In an instant, the unsettling atmosphere disappeared as soon as an innocent, beaming smile returned to his face. Everyone was stunned out of fear.​

  • J - Of course, I wouldn't do that to my friends here!

  • O - My man... you could casually send us to the Shadow Realm if you wanted to.

  • F - Remind me to never mess with you on a bad day.

  • Q - I don't wanna begin thinking of how rank and musty being trapped there could be... No thanks.

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