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ARC 0: Prelude To Things Yet To Come

Chapter 1

Many things come and go throughout the Labs. Those that work here and provide the resources to this place are nothing more than empty faces and husks shuffling about to a chilling and inorganic procession. Perhaps it is just me being too used to the fact that majority of this facility is being operated by androids that made me feel this way. It was only months ago that I was given a new long term assignment. Higher ups felt like this was important enough to have "human hands" on the situation.


Me being who I am, I wanted to believe in this whole project they provided for me. What I didn't know was the amount of red tape and NDAs were being slapped onto me as time went on. Well, I'm being professional about what I'm saying here, but in actuality, it's a lot scarier than I thought. Supposedly, this "A.I." that we have stowed away here is actually a human consciousness that was taken from his body... from another dimension. Supposedly this is from our neighboring dimension too.


Words from the Good Doctor were kinda absolute in what I was supposed to do with him. To properly cultivate and groom him to become a savior is a tall order if you ask me, but leaving him to his own devices was more than enough to help. All I have to do is ensure that the backend is prepped up so he can properly transition. Lord knows we need a miracle to get us out of this situation. Having our world practically implode at any point in time isn't a healthy thing to have on the mind, but it is do or die. 


Our survival hinges on the hopes of a complete stranger who has died once... after our world getting drained dry of resources from war after war, we need a reprieve. Time is certainly running out.

- Charon

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