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BEAT 15: Fear And Hunger

Otsdarva [Recording] - We were tasked to investigate a string of strange disappearances near a research facility that was initially condemned due to human experimentation. Ichor, the organization responsible for these inhumane experiments were shut down and brought to justice. However, barely any word on the status of the researchers, test subjects, and resources ever made it to light, even after Ichor's shutdown. One would surmise that there may be some dangerous test subjects that have been killing anything that tried to enter or escape. In spite of the imminent danger of the situation, I will only be entering the facility with non-lethal methods in case of agitation with possible hostile entities. If anyone has found my remains should I ever get killed in action, get out while you still can.


Otsdarva is walking throughout the dilapidated facility with his visor, looking through the dark corners to find anything of informational value. The humming of lab equipment in running under auxiliary power was prevalent. Setting the atmosphere of intensity.


Otsdarva - I still can't believe we managed to score a job like this. On top of that, there's a possible anomaly that was pinpointed in this research facility.

ACE - The moment we can identify the correlation between the two incidents, the better the intel we can provide to the client. Assuming that we can vacate the premises effectively.

Otsdarva - Agreed... the call to also bring non-lethal equipment is ideal in the case we run into anything with intelligence. Let's see here. I got my wrench, smoke grenades, flash grenades, and my Hummingbird tranquilizer pistol. Now, we just need to...


Otsdarva pauses for a moment. The quiet was starting to get to him. There was a sense that something was watching him.

Otsdarva - ACE... set motion tracker to moderate sensitivity.

ACE - Setting... done.

Otsdarva walks slowly and notices an open door with light spilling out into the hallway. As he got closer, something heavy fell in the distance.

Otsdarva - Nope... not going there.

As he approached closer, the motion tracker progressively got louder. The snarling of a doglike creature started echoing louder and closer.

Otsdarva - Nope. NOPE NOPE NOPE.

Peeking at the open door, then at the dark corridor, he decides to run to the opposite direction and pull out his gun. Banking every possible corner he could to create distance, Otsdarva found himself in a cafeteria. From there, he hides and readies both his Hummingbird, and a flash grenade. Peaking through the lunch counter, he sees the creature, a hideously spliced human-dog amalgamation. The human face split apart to try and "smell" the area, looking for Otsdarva. As it progressively got closer, Otsdarva pulled the pin on the flash grenade, holding onto the release with slight trepidation. As it loomed over the counter, Otsdarva darted towards the door ahead of him and dropped the grenade behind him to create distance between him, the creature, and the inevitable flash of heat that would escape from the grenade.

Otsdarva - FUCK!


The pained, inhuman wailings of the creature could be heard as its flesh was seared from the flash grenade going off in close proximity. It started lashing out violently, growing appendages from its back to try and catch anything in its range.


Otsdarva, pulse racing, had his back firmly against the wall. He tries to slow down his breathing in case the creature started to make its moves again.

Otsdarva - I'm starting to regret my decision in not bringing my weapons. 

He headed towards the strange room with the slightly opened door to seek refuge from the creature. Trying to close the door as slow as possible, but was creating a lot of noise that could have attracted the creature to the room. Unfortunately, the creature managed to hear the door closing, causing Otsdarva to quickly shut it and hide. Snarling and pounding against the door was heard on the other side, while Otsdarva was clutching onto his Hummingbird and aiming carefully at the door. The pounding became increasingly louder to the point that each dent was starting to become more pronounced with each loud thud. It was after the final set of impacts that its tendrils started to pry the door open with all its might. It slowly approached Otsdarva, salivating and wildly lashing its tendrils to prevent escape. Otsdarva fires a dart, only to get swatted away.


The creature paused for a moment and a small, devilish smile could be seen. A chilling, low laughter could be heard. Only getting louder and louder as it got closer. The creature arched its back and tendrils, ready to kill. But before it could lunge towards Otsdarva, a mysterious black shadow appeared from nowhere and immediately decapitated the creature in one swift swipe. Before the blood could ever spray out of its neck, the blood was quickly being transformed in midair into a blade. A blade pointing directly at Otsdarva, who was still processing what has transpired. The shadowy figure turned its head slowly to Otsdarva, chittering with its antenna towards his general direction, and wide piercing eyes gazing right through him.

??? - [In Spanish, Annoyed] Hey now... I was trying to get some sleep until some idiot decided to barge in and make some noise. Who the hell are you? Why are you here?

For a moment, Otsdarva had to calibrate his headset to match the language spoken.

Otsdarva - Well, this "idiot" is investigating the numerous disappearances that occurred in Ichor Labs.

The mysterious figure tilted their head slightly, then sighed. The blood blade immediately dropped to the ground into a puddle.

??? - [English] You oughta be more careful on what jobs you pick up, bro. And whatever the fuck THIS thing is, this certainly won't appease my appetite. Looks... nasty.

The mysterious creature points towards the fresh corpse of the monster that was after Otsdarva.

??? - And I don't think you might do either.  [disappointed] You seem pretty tough.

Otsdarva - I don't know if I should be thankful, or insulted? More importantly, who are you? WHAT are you?

The mysterious creature stood straight, practically towering over Otsdarva, who was just regaining his composure.

Alyx - The name is Alyx. I'm the bastards' "pride and joy" of a humanoid weapon that was spliced with a goliath beetle. They code named me "Arialyxiah".

Otsdarva - Otsdarva Integer. Engineer and Handyman. So, you were once fully human...?

Alyx - Yup. Normal girl, normal world. At least, until an incident happened where I was practically turned into a lab rat for clinical trials of Ichor. Nowadays, there's not a fool alive within the facility that would bother trying to do anything funny to me. So for your investigation, it's rather moot. Though I could probably guess who that dead meat is. Speaking of which... do you mind?

Alyx points towards the door.

Alyx - Just gonna take a quick bite and change.

Otsdarva - But I thought you said it wasn't gonna be enough?

Alyx - Food is food. Still need nutrients to use blood manipulation. Especially other creature's blood.

Otsdarva - Gotcha. I'll wait outside until you're done. Also... blood manipulation?

Alyx waves her hands whimsically before pointing towards a bloody pendant around her neck.

Alyx - [sarcastically] "Magic!"


Outside the room


ACE - Database shows a match. Arialyxiah is a VTuber.

Otsdarva - Good. We've confirmed that. Though, I'd never expect to run into that particular form. If anything, I'm surprised I managed leave alive... for now.

ACE - I've also ran through the mission database. It seemed as the mission listing for investigating Ichor disappeared.

Otsdarva - How long ago?

ACE - Five minutes.

Otsdarva ponders for a moment, trying to peek at the doorway to catch a glimpse of the corpse. But before he could get a full view, Alyx peeks her head slowly. The two lock eyes for a moment in awkward silence, but her message was clear: "Look any further, and you will get hurt." Both slowly returned their side of the wall.

Otsdarva - I guess we'll have to wait for her to tell us who that was. 

ACE - I will pinpoint the information from Ichor's database in the meantime.

Alyx - Waylon Magdalene.

Alyx walks out the room with a more humanoid look than before.

Alyx - That freak of a scientist had a penchant for running his experiments. When shit went south within the lab, he decided to experiment on himself. Wanted to achieve "godhood" in some hair-brained way. Now, I finally got the bastard that put me through the most of my hell here. The fact he managed to rope this many people into his little feeding ploy is scary enough... guess he was not ready for someone that could actually fight back.

Otsdarva - How could you hea-

Aylx - Picked up on vibrations and frequencies. Y'know... [in spanish] insect things. So I heard every bit of that conversation you were having with your AI buddy in your visor.  More importantly... you owe me.

Otsdarva - Owe you?

Alyx - I saved your ass while on an empty stomach. If it weren't for my impeccable self-restraint in that form, you would have been next on the meal list.

Otsdarva - True...

Otsdarva rummages through his pockets and finds a granola snack bar.

Otsdarva - Here... a Mighty Gran Bar.

Alyx - That's it...?

Otsdarva - Should be enough nutrients.

Alyx started to nibble at the granola bar. Then one bite. Then the entire bar. Her entire face lit up with a sudden smile before it quickly turned into a glowering stare.

Alyx - I want more.

Otsdarva - That was all I packed.

Alyx - I. WANT. MORE. A truckful if you could.

Otsdarva - I don't think I can...

Alyx stabs through the wall near Otsdarva's abdomen with a forced smile.

Alyx - MAKE. IT. HAPPEN. [in Spanish] P-L-E-A-S-E.

Otsdarva, scared out of his wits, reaches out to Palisade to work something out.

Otsdarva - Hey... Pal... I'mma need a favor. Can you find a Mighty Gran Bar supply truck? It's a bit of a life or death situation. And uh... don't worry about the payment stuff... I'll explain it to whoever it may concern in the aftermath.

Otsdarva shoots a quick glance towards a still forcedly smiling Alyx before looking straight ahead.

Otsdarva - If they believe me. Just head to the coordinates ASAP.



Outside of the lab

Otsdarva stares at Alyx eating bar after bar of Mighty Gran Bars from the back of the truck. She had already gone through a boxful.

Otsdarva - You happy now?

Alyx - Yup! Bweeeh!

Otsdarva - Bweeeh?

Alyx - [in Spanish] Shut your mouth and eat something, too.

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