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SB 1: Chapter 3

Upon getting his bearings, Otsdarva goes to work with his new setup for his mission. Unknown to him, however, are the many things awry within this base

Otsdarva woke up the next day and decided to go his workshop in the Gate Room. Going through the terminals to find more information about the base, he stumbled upon some peculiar information.

  • Otsdarva - What the hell am I looking at here?

  • ACE - Seems like some information regarding the logistics of this base. Everything from munitions to manpower is all listed here. However...

  • O - However?

  • A - A good majority of this info is classified. Someone didn't bother deleting it before they left this place.

  • O - Considering that they did in the first place. Some of the stuff looks like it had recent use.

Otsdarva points towards the rack on the right side of the wall strewn about with maintenance and custodial equipment. But on the corner of his eye, he noticed something strange lying beside the rack.

  • O - Androids?

  • A - Specifically W-Series androids. I'm surprised that you know what these are.

  • O - I've seen them somewhere, but I don't know where exactly. The armor plating on them is all over the place. One of them even has their face plate off... looks kinda creepy.

  • A - And heuristic scans show no energy readings from them whatsoever. They must be decommissioned if they're sitting around like this.

Otsdarva and ACE returned to looking through the terminals, hoping to find more information. Otsdarva was deep into finding more information, but ACE started to hear something strange.

  • A - My sensors picked up some strange noises.

  • O - Probably some rodents hanging around.

  • A - There hasn't been many life signs that match those parameters. 

  • O - Well then... We can't exactly leave this terminal alone. We'll see if we can extract something before investigating the noise.

  • A - That might be ill-advised, but if it means gathering valuable information out if it, then that works out. 

A loud crash could be heard in another room close by. Now it was something that could not be ignored. Otsdarva readied his pistol.​

  • O - OK, now that got me a bit concerned. Something is here with us after all. But what? At the same time... the terminal...

  • A - The longer we take here, the more likely something else bad will happen. The possibility of incident is increasing to 75%.

  • O - Hmmm, I think we should...

  1. Stick around and extract the data from the terminal.​

  2. Investigate the noise and see what is happening.


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