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BEAT 9: Valentines Day Woes

The Crew spend the day together doing their own thing around the hangar, when Sion brings up the topic of Valentine's Day

  • Sion -  Hey, guys! February is here and Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Aren't you excited?

The whole room was met with a resounding air of silence for a moment.​

  • Otsdarva -  Well... you seem to be the only one actually excited about it. So, tell us. The most I know about Valentine's Day aside from ACE's literal explanation of it is "day of heartache, heartbreak, and loneliness", and chocolates sold for cheap.

  • SIon -  That's... not what the day is supposed to be. It's a day where people come together, shoot their shot, confess their love to one another and enjoy each other's company. That's how I met my sweetheart during the academy days. I'll never forget it.

  • O - Well... this is my first lifetime experiencing this day, so I'm kinda out of the running on this one here.

  • S - Well yeah. But you can just head to any public place and -

  • O - I gotta do some maintenance to my tools and weapons. That can wait for another time.

  • S - But what you're doing can wait as well. Don't you wanna experience romance for once?

  • Noa -  Your words are falling on deaf ears, buddy.

Noa was lounging on the sofa with a "Bible of Iron" weapons catalog held over her face.​

  • S - Oh, I see. W-well, what about you, Noa? Surely you might've had some wonderful memories of Valentine's Day, right?

  • N - Nah. Tried the whole romance thing a few times. Always ended up in flames.

  • S - Oh... I'm sorry. I'm sure you meant wel-

  • N - None of them could ever keep up with me. One lauded on size and girth, but couldn't last a second. Flamed his ass out of my life. One was a practical pillow princess. I like taking charge, but girl, make me work for it for cryin' out loud. And this one dude...

  • S - Forget I asked.

  • N *shouting* - HE WAS INTO WATERSPORTS!

Holding onto hope, Sion headed to Kyouske, who was tending to his weapon, with Ayla in the same room doing her research.

  • Sion - Hey you two. What do you usually do for Valentine's Day?

  • Ayla and Kyouske - Working.

  • Sion - That's it?

Kyouske seldom lifted his head to look at Sion for a second as he was sharpening his sword.​

  • Kyouske - Lots of hectic schedules and meetings. Barely get a chance to do much. And besides... I would much rather that than spend an "I Love You" ticket for a fluffed up holiday.

  • S - F-fluffed up!?

  • Ayla - Couldn't agree more.

  • S - So... what do you do, Ayla?

  • A - Looking at beautiful women.

  • S - To go on a date with? That's wonderful!

  • A - Yup. All in the comfort of my PJs and a hot cup of special edition hot chocolate. I got a LOT of visual novels to binge. Plenty of yuri to go around.

And just like that... his smile and optimism... gone.​

  • Sion - I give up...... I..... give up. I absolutely give up.

Sion, sitting at his desk, was holding onto an empty whiskey glass, swishing it around with a dejected look on his face. As Otsdarva walked in, the swishing motion got slower and slower.​

  • Sion *defeated* - What do you want?

  • Otsdarva - I figured that you might be down in the dumps, so I made this card for ya.

The card was two people shaking hands with the widest smile on their faces. The caption on the front read: "There's no greater love than a friendship​." Sion flipped to the inside, with more captions put around a globe to be read: "So show that buddy that you mean the world to them."


Sion shifted his gaze from the card to Otsdarva, who was standing slightly expectant.

  • Sion - Thank you, Ots. I appreciate it. I really do.

The tone of Sion's voice remained unchanged, but there was a hint of annoyance.

  • S - But this is something you'd do in elementary school.

  • O - HUH!?

  • S - I'll keep it, though. It is what comes from the heart after all, right?

  • O - Haha... yeah. It's better that way.

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