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Chapter 3: Branch 2 - Investigate the Explosion

  • ACE - Whatever that explosion could have been, and where it could have happened, there's a good chance it may have been in a critical area. We can always go back to this terminal after we investigate.

  • Otsdarva - But... tch... you're right. I'll follow your lead and head on over to where we need to be.

Otsdarva gears up and heads towards the source of the explosion on the way to the location, he makes a stop towards the Armory, where he picks up his anti-material rifle and at least two FANG rounds to store into his utility belt. Leaving the Armory, the smell of smoke was getting stronger, along with loud thudding being heard. A quick look around  shows an arrow pointing towards where he needs to be: "Security". ​Standing in front of the security room door however was a hulking mass of machinery and weaponry. 

  • Otsdarva - Holy shit...

  • ACE - Careful, that's a Heavy Weapons Type Android. I'll do a quick analysis, but so far it has used at least two missiles against the door. Structural integrity is almost compromised.

  • O - Meaning we stopped it just in time before it could fire another.

The android soon turned its attention to Otsdarva and ACE. Its eyes flared in confirmation through the slits of its mask. In a monotone voice, it slowly approaches.​

  • Android - *bzzt* Target acquired. Commencing subjugation of target.


Analysis Complete - [Scan] automatically triggers.

  • ACE - I've analyzed the target in front of us! Its composite armor will make small arms fire in direct locations (head and chest) slightly ineffective.

  • Though small in count, those missiles pack quite a punch. A direct hit or close proximity WILL kill you.

  • Those arm cannons it has will shred you to pieces. Fortunately, the ammo count is pretty low due to lack of maintenance. [5 three-round bursts on each arm].

  •  I have analyzed the target's integrity. Codifying as Hit Point values now: 20 HP

HWT W-Series Android - 20HP​

[Pending Action Phase] - Three Turns

  • Observe  - The corridors are narrow, so movement is limited. Perhaps that could be used as an advantage against a slow moving target.

  • Observe II - The missiles are protected by a shell that opens up when firing. Catching it at the right time may help.

  • Check Inventory - Two FANG rounds for the Anti-Material Rifle, one spare loaded magazine for the light pistol.

  • Wait - The android is taking aim with the autocannons.


  1. Run around the corner and take cover

  2. Take aim at the android

  3. Close the distance between you and the android

Option 1:​

You make a bee line and run around the corner to try and lure the android to move towards you. However, it does not seem to budge. There has to be someway to lure it...

  1. Keep waiting and take aim

  2. Make some noise cause some chaos

  3. Peak around the corner and see what it is doing.

  4. Keep going around the corners until you can flank the android.

Option 2:​

You decide to hold your ground and take aim at the android, who is aiming their weapons at you. It's either the quick or the dead.

  1. Slowly retreat while aim is currently trained on the enemy.

  2. Lower your weapon and see what it does next.

  3. Try to get closer to it and limit its range.

Option 3:​

You run towards the android headfirst in hopes of taking it down in a close-quarters fight. Perhaps you figured that since its mostly ranged weaponry, it may be terrible at up-close engagement. I hope you're right, or at least capable of proving that right.

  1. Go for a leaping attack to knock it off its feet

  2. Flank and blindside the android

  3. Use the narrow walls to your advantage (scales on technique)

Great success:​

The android is defeated and damaged well enough to salvage its materials or itself.


The android is destroyed and the room that it was attacking is now available despite a little damage to the area it was destroyed in.

Failure 1: The android destroys the room it was attacking.

Failure 2: Killed in Action

  • Otsdarva - I honestly hope what you made me go through was well worth the trouble...

  • ACE - I assure you, it is well worth it in every stretch of the mile. The door here has high level clearance, practically reserved for the owners of the base and the security team underneath them.

  • O - Clearance that we have?

  • A - Exactly. While we were fighting against that android, I tried accessing the Local Area Network here along with analyzing the floor plan of this base. If we had more direct information, it would've become clearer. The fact that this was one of the few doors that was locked away in a Demilitarized Zone in the network was a dead giveaway on its priority.

  • O - So it was practically hiding in plain sight... Saves us the trouble. But what are we waiting for? Why don't we head inside?

Otsdarva and ACE went inside the Security Room. Line after line of computers and surveillance equipment was organized. A slew of monitors gave a swath of perspectives from both inside and outside of the base. In a short moment, ACE lit up through Otsdarva's visor, almost as if something caught his attention.​

  • ACE - This is...!

  • Otsdarva - What caught your eye?

  • A - I can't believe they have something like this here! My choice couldn't be any more perfect! See that device in the center of the room?

Otsdarva shifted his attention to a spherical device fitted with hexagonal panels. The device itself almost seemed alive from its pulsing lights and "breathing" expansions.​

  • Otsdarva - That thing? What is it?

  • ACE - That *thing* is an Early Warning and Predictive Pulsar Array. Better known as the Deep Pulse Array.

  • O- Deep Pulse you say...? It looks like its alive. Almost like a heart beat.

  • A - It's pretty much that. The heart of the planet is in our hands now.

  • O - HUH!?

  • A - Deep Pulse is an Planetary Surveillance System put in place to pick up any kind of threat. Calibrate that properly, and we can even peer into other dimensions if we so choose to. This is our greatest bet in furthering the Grand Mission!

  • O - Holy shit... wait... what about that terminal? I wanna see if it was something important.

  • A - That's right, you did want to take a look at it too. I'm sure it will still be there.

Otsdarva and ACE rushes back to the hangar bay to check on the terminal that he had abandoned. Upon entering the room, they found scraps of something that had exploded in the area. The terminal was nowhere to be found.​

  • Otsdarva - Shit shit shit! What the hell happened here?

  • ACE - I don't understand what happened here. But putting what we've seen together here... I believe it was the androids that were sitting beside the wall. They must've been equipped with some sort of self-destruct device too.

  • O - To probably destroy evidence. Damn it, if only we got there in time to extract that info.

  • A - I'm sorry, Ots. At least we have something that will help us in a great degree in our mission.

  • O - Yeah... I guess so.

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