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Meet the Characters

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Noa Jenus

"There's a way I play in my life. Fast, hard, vigorous and satisfying. If you can't keep up with how I do things, you'll never survive whatever hell you're thrown into with a smile."

Birthday: 7/25

Eye Color: Bright Brown (eyes glow in darkness due to nanomachines)

Weight: ???

Height: 5’ 3

Other Aliases: Suzumebachi, Yellow Strider


Occupation: Kunoichi / Mercenary, Reconnaissance and Stealth Operations of Delphinium


Personality: Bratty, free spirited, arrogant, brash, - Mesugaki


Accessories: Rosary necklace, obsidian hair clips, thin-framed under-rim glasses, weapons pouch on her thigh.


Likes: Sprawling nightlife, her way of ninjutsu (mix of traditional and modern styles and approaches), toying with people.

Dislikes: Pushovers, overconfidence, being touched while asleep, manipulative people (takes pride in punishing these types of people as slowly and sadistically as possible), doing nothing.


Description: Rough around the edges, but has the hallmarks of a seasoned veteran mercenary, Noa knows her ways around all sorts of underbellies and opportunities in her life time. She has no problems with having fun with her work, considering her line of work can range from assassinations to prostitution, to even using those means for blackmail and sabotage. As long as there is pain to be delivered to those that abuse others, that's all that matters to her. She tends to be touchy about her past and upbringing, but she does value a member of her family, her cyberdoc, Ibis, as well as her master, Tenma, who taught her everything she needed to live in the hellish world she took fondness with.

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Otsdarva Integer

"I feel like I have something grand at stake here. Whether I risk my life and limb for people that won't know I exist, or give hope to those that do, I will lay down as much as I can to keep the peace everyone deserves."

Birthday: 4/6

Eye Color: Black / Dark Brown (artificial implants to interface with ACE)

Weight: 210 Lbs

Height: 5’ 11”


Occupation: Engineer / Commander and leader of Delphinium


Personality: Strong-willed, passionate, dense, foolhardy, reckless. 


Accessories: ACE [All Calculating Eye] visor, tattered green scarf, utility tool belt.


Likes: Mecha, old technology, the company of his friends and allies, weapons and firearms, robotics and synthetic tech (androids, prosthetics, etc.), straightforwardness

Dislikes: Roundaboutness, apathy and apathetic people, nihilism, people who toy with others lives, yes men, surprises.

Description: Not much is known about him other than he was someone born yesterday. His body is a result of genetic engineering, and his mind, a form of consciousness sublimation facilitated through nanomachines. He was put on this world of the Endless Frontier for a reason. And maybe, he'll find his own way to survive along with new friends, and potential adversaries that will put him to task.

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Age: 27

Birthday: 6/28

Eye Color: Green

Weight: "Never Ask Again. Thank You."

Height: 5' 0

Notable traits: Scar on right eye, headphones, lab coat, robotic foot

Occupation: Auditor

Personality: Shrewd, tired, wisecracker, serious, observant

Other Aliases: None

Description: Not many knew where she came from, but many know her for what she does. Considering who she works under, hearing about an Auditor in any context would make anyone relatively skittish. Ayla, with her near disheveled appearance oddly puts those around her at ease. In fact, none would suspect her of such. But her skills and reputation during her tenure as an Auditor from The Inspectors says otherwise. She prefers more long-ranged engagements both in and out of  her mecha, a Huckbein Marksman Type (outfitted with recon drone pack, a DMR, and HUD Visor) and is skilled in intel gathering, remote ordinance, and hacking accomplish her mission. She is genuinely dismissive towards men (unless they've managed to win her respect), but hides a particularly soft side for certain women that can woo her against her, albeit, smart-alecky sense of comedy.

SION [Full Name Redacted]

Age: 56 
Birthday: 11/11
Eye Color: Green (usually hidden behind sunglasses)
Notable Features: Bald, Fu Manchu beard and moustache (joked to have a "porn stache", bushy eyebrows, dad bod
Weight: 225 Lbs
Height: 6' 3"
Occupation: EX-Member of elite task force, The FourS. Combat Specialist.

Personality: Old soul, wisecracker, calculated

Accessories: Gun-bra, fingerless gloves, Aviator Sunglasses

Description: A former Professional Soldier, and member of the Earth Federation Black Ops Unit, The FourS. Many knew him as the heart of the team for his personality, but also acknowledged him for his sheer combat prowess that made him a proper candidate for general purpose training. Since leaving The FourS, he began looking for anyone to hawk his training services to, along with working with an Auditor that was advising the team in its final days before going separate ways. He pilots an overtuned Gespenst called the Gespenst Hokma, which deliberately strips off certain armor parts that exposes its inner frame. Contrary to what one would think would be a detriment, the frame is heavily reinforced and modified to be as nimble, yet sturdy as possible to handle the kinds of movements and combinations he puts his Gespenst through. The outward appearance of the Gespenst Hokma earned the nickname, Scarecrow due to how ghastly it appeared with most of it's inner frame being exposed.

The Misfits

Camdus's personally picked team of "failures" from a previous military regime that was present in Palopanera before his arrival.

Job Herrington [Age - 26] Leader of The Misfits. A pessimistic, yet pragmatic individual who was lambasted for his commanding skills that led to a significant failure of an operation. It was until Camdus's arrival that he started to reframe his outlook to take a more proactive, and more optimistic approach to commanding and piloting. Pilots an old production variant of the Seigerlion

Gustave "Gus" Wayland [Age - 22] An artilleryman who just couldn't hit his mark. Even had the nickname of "Danger Closer" after nearly shelling his own teammates on a few occasions.  Pilots an old production variant of the Wildraubiter.

Vivica Doan [Age - 24] A supermodel turned soldier at a young age. What was once a promotional stint soon became her life after her now ace pilot ex-boyfriend took her on multiple combat campaigns that gave her a calling. Unfortunately, as the relationship soured, so did the need to maintain his image became more of a priority after allegations of a cheating scandal were brewing. This ended with her being not only blackballed in the media, but also betrayed and demoted to hide her from the public eye. Pilots an old production variant of the R-Blade.   

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Mariah Ashtonford


Birthday: 10/27

Eye Color: Silver [natural]

Weight (w/o equipment/uniform): 150 Lbs. +15 with equipment/uniform

Notable traits: Silver hair, eye bags, large bust size, toned body.

Occupation: Combat maid of the Belford Family Estate, ex-Professional Soldier/Mercenary 

Personality: Straightforward, militaristic, no-nonsense

Other Aliases: Silver Ogre

Description: Mariah was a well-known mercenary at the time she was active. She and her siblings all participated as a unit known as the Silver Promise, with her eldest brother Nomin (aka Silver Eagle), who was known for his long-range combat skills and brutal remarks, and her younger sister, Lisa (aka Silver Angel), known for her shrewdness in information gathering, and knack for exercising wonton cruelty. All of them naturally sported silver hair and eyes, hence the unit name. However, one mission led to a mysterious disappearance of Mariah, causing a full scale panic among the siblings. When Mariah came to, she found herself at the doorstep of an estate, resigned to whatever fate that awaited her. Fast forward to today, she has provided training for all of the maids of the Belford Estate, and a close aide to the youngest daughter of the family, Nobelle. Her militaristic attitude was once a point of abrasion towards others, but lightened up in the presence of Lady Belford, and now her new master, Akiha Ryugu.


Akiha Ryuga


Birthday: 7/25

Eye color: Grey

Weight: "Never ask a lady her weight, but what do I care? - 99 Lbs

Notable Traits: Koi Fish Familiars (can combine into a weapon of hers - Dragon's Promise), Koi Fish Mermaid Tail (can transform at will in the water), has a Southern accent (Kansai dialect in JP).

Occupation - Traveling Merchant/Owner of the Dragon Steamboat Market

Personality - Shrewd, cocky, country-bumpkin

Other Aliases - The Koi That Became a Dragon, Lady Ryuga (mostly from Mariah)

Description - Her story can be summed up as rags to riches. Growing up in her home reef during economic turmoil, she sought to one day make it to the surface world, a task that proved difficult thanks to leftover defense systems to keep the population down if anyone so attempted to. Through sheer grit, collaboration from her village, and a blessing bestowed upon her familiars, Akiha managed to break through the blockade and reach the surface, which oddly landed her near the Belford Estate's costal waters, where she was later rescued and cared for by Mariah Ashtonford. She now sets out to express her thanks to Lady Belford by establishing her own traveling merchant business, Dragon Steamboat Market, repaying the blessing she was given the moment she left the sea.



Birthday: [Redacted by Clamcorp]

Age: [Redacted by Clamcorp]

Weight: [Redacted by Clamcorp]

Notable Traits - Magical Scepter/Sword, Awakening Outfit, Headset

Personality: Straightforward, no-nonsense, aloof, laid-back, workaholic

Other Aliases: Unknown

Description: If you want an affordable powerhouse, Clamcorp has got you covered with the lovely Magical Tomgirl Kyouske! Many would say they resemble their boss, but no one has gone out of their way to confirm such rumors. Needless to say, they get the job done right as intended. They were recently hired by Otsdarva to act as extra muscle to brave the Endless Frontier. Though, if work dries up, Kyouske usually resides within his quarters to catch up on lost sleep, polish his weapons, or handling clerical work on the side.

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