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Chapter 1: Born Among The Stars

Everything was dark. Everything felt lonely. Nothing felt even close to warm. All I could do was sleep. Sleep and hear the voices. Watching debris and space rock float among the sea of stars. I have no place to go. No idea of where to go. Everything just seemed distant. And the voices...

  • ??? - My starborn child. Your calling shall come soon enough. You are here for a reason. You will not remain adrift in the sea of stars forever. For a tide of change shall come. For now, rest.

The amount of times I've heard that while swimming through the sea of space, it doesn't give me much hope. However, in the back of my mind, I never gave up on what that voice wanted me to experience. So... I will keep that hope alive. YEAH! Even though... where do I go from here?​

Chapter 2: Paylor and the Starborn

  • Paylor - Today is June 5th, 0079 on the Universal Century calendar. I am currently doing a salvage run on the outskirts of Side 4. Not a lot of movement, nor any kind of chatter from both Feddie and fellow Zeek forces. I'm just glad I don't have to do compensation time since I'm out an about frequently.  *fehh* Still kinda sucks to be coming back empty handed.

Making audio logs were the only thing I could do to keep my sanity in check. One Year War ramped up pretty badly, and only a handful of us in our salvage crew knows how to fight. The rest are either engineers, medics, or civies that weren't so gung-ho about the direction Zeon was going. Personally, I would much rather avoid fighting as much as possible, but there may come a time where it'll be unavoidable.

Today's find has mostly been shuttle debris and ship wreckage​. Not the finest quality, but the market is certainly not fickle for it if it can be recycled and repurposed. Grabbed whatever I could in my modified Zaku I. Ended up borrowing parts from a Ball. Mostly the claw arms. Very nifty for moving large pieces with extra "oomf". 


Switched over from my logging channel to my communications array to contact the B. Dorhnii. To this day, no one knows what the B in that ship's name stands for. Guess only the captain knows.

  • Paylor - This is Ensign Sekigahara. I'm about to make my return home with the goods.

A rough voice greeted me on the other side. Guess Arado was a little tired from his shift.​

  • Arado - Arado Arrive here. You are clear for return. *YAAAWN* What's your haul, over?

  • P - More shuttle debris and ship scraps. A mix of Musais and Salamis-classes

  • AA - Sounds like a good haul to me. I'll let the other channels know.

Everything was going smoothly. That's when I saw a white flash appear from nowhere. It was sudden and bright, but I caught where it happened before it started to fade.​

  • P - Hey Arado, I'm gonna be running a bit late.

  • AA - Don't stay out for too long. Don't want a run in with the Feddies. Grapevine' been saying they've upped their patrols 'round Side 4 and 5.

  • P - Gotcha. I'll ghost when things get hairy.

I headed over to the light and checked out what it was. As I got closer, the light was beginning to dim much more. I began to see a silhouette of a... girl. She had the strangest hair color I've ever seen. Platinum blonde with orange and blue streaks. And those weird-looking ornaments on her head too.

... ​

More importantly. How is she surviving the vacuum of space without a normal suit? It's inhumanly possible after a certain point. I had to investigate further. I pulled the Zaku I as close as I could to get better visual. Upon closer inspection, she seemed to be a young teenager. Very small in stature. I went in to secure her, cupping her into the Zaku I's hands. Whatever that light that enveloped her before disappeared upon touching it. She seemed to be coming too, waking up from a long slumber. She opened her eyes and -


She screamed and swam fast away from my Zaku I. She was fast. Really fast. Not only could I hear her clear as day in the vacuum of space, but seeing her swim reminded me of a jellyfish in strong tides. I had to try and get her attention. I switched over to loud speakers.​

  • P - H-hey! Wait up! I'm not here to hurt you.

I waved my hands, showing no weapons nor anything that could be interpreted as harm.

  • ??? - Get away from me, alien!

  • P - Alien? Are you talking about the Zaku I? I mean... yeah it does look a bit like that, but that's ironic coming from you, missy. You're the most alien... alien I've seen on this side of space.

  • ??? - Well... I mean...

  • P - That's beside the point. Do you have a name? Something to refer to you as?

  • ? - They called me a Starborn. I technically have no name.

Starborn, huh? Honestly sounds a bit cheesy, something my comic book geek of a nephew would come up with. I had to give this girl something. But wha-

  • Paylor - You were born in the stars, so why not have a name reflecting that?

  • ? - I'm interested! What do you have in mind.

  • P - Well considering you were born in the stars, where I found you was pretty much in full view of the moon. So... Tsukimi,

  • Tsukimi - Tsu-ki-mi?

She looked a little puzzled at first. But I think she caught onto what I was trying with the name.​

  • Tsukimi - I see! In the myriad of human languages, that means a moon viewing!

  • P - Bingo! That name is special. Consider this one on the house.

  • T - Thank you, mister...

  • P - Paylor Sekigahara. You can just call me Paylor.

*Stomach rumbling*​

  • P - C'mon. Let's head back to the ship. We can head to the mess hall and...

It dawned on me. What kind of hellish questioning and red tape would I be subjected to if I brought her back to the ship. Or maybe Arado already knows, but might be too tired to care. Could probably sneak her to one of the spare quarters that barely gets used. Yeah!​

  • P - We'll be heading to the ship now. Just, hang on tight for a bit.

  • T - Mhmm!

Chapter 3: Welcome to the B. Dorhnii

I was approaching the B. Dorhnii for returning with my spoils from my scrap run. From the corner of my eye, I could see Tsukimi marveling at the Musai in all its glory (even though it's a little banged up from our many escapades). The hangar door opens and I am ready to embark with my Zaku I. 

  • Paylor - Junker Zaku I, confirming return to ship.

I hailed knowing that Arado was still on the other side of the line. He needed the rest anyways.​

  • Arado - Return confirmed. IFF signature has been logged. Welcome back home, Paylor. So, what did you find that caught your attention? You went dark for awhile.

And on my other hunch, I couldn't be any more correct. I think I do have a cover story that might avoid any awkward questions about Tsukimi. I'm just concerned he might see through it. And I guess that Tsukimi also knew the kind of situation I was in as well. She sat back and hovered around the communications array.​

  • Paylor - I found a survivor.

  • Arado - A survivor way out here? How did they manage to survive for this long?

  • P -They were in a life support unit that was drifting around. It was on it's last legs when I picked it up.

  • A - And the survivor is okay? They may need some medical attention for being out there that long.​

  • P - We can do some quick diagnostics. They seem to be in good health though.

There was a moment of silence on the other side. The anxiety was building up, but I had a good feeling I was home free. Tsukimi, on the other hand, was looking through the monitors and watching the engineering crew gather round and keeping busy.​

  • A - Alright. Med team will be on standby. They'll be waiting for you to bring the survivor.

  • P - Roger that!

Tsukimi's eyes were trained on the hustle and bustle of the mechanics and engineers. Wouldn't blame her considering those guys are an eccentric bunch on their own.​

  • Tsukimi - It looks like they're having so much fun.

  • Paylor - It's a tough job they have, but their efforts never go underappreciated. Without them, this ship woulda been a floating tomb, and these mobile suits as towering coffins.

There was a beaming look coming from here eyes. The look of unbridled joy.​

  • T - I wanna do that someday!

  • P - You sure? These guys are kinda intense. Especially Captain Butt. He's the chief mechanic of the ship. Quite the old fireball, ridiculous surname be damned.

  • T - Can we meet him? I wanna know the ropes of being a mechanic!

  • P - Sure. Though... you may have to get used to looking at my Zaku I.

  • T - Geh...

  • P - You forgot that bit, didn'tcha?

I opened the hatch and made my descent on the hangar floor through the zero-gravity. Tsukimi followed along with a more, graceful descent. Her long hair flowed with such majesty, that it caught everyone's attention.​

  • Paylor - Hey! Captain! 

  • Captain - Hey there, ya whippersnapper. Seemed like you had a long run out there. And it looks to me you pulled a goddess along with ya.

  • P  - Oh ha ha. As if I ever have enough luck in the world to do that.

  • Cap - Well, considering how your wedding didn't end up in complete flames due to your clumsiness, I'd say your luck is pretty up there.

  • P - I'll take that as a compliment only because my wife finds my clumsiness a funny little quirk thank you very much.

  • Cap - Well, who's the lady friend you got there.

  • P - This is Tsukimi. She's a survivor. She also wants to join the engineering and mechanics team too.

  • Tsukimi - Nice to meet you, mister Butt!

  • Cap - You can call me Captain, or Cap.

  • T - Though, is that really your name?

  • Cap - Indeed it is, lass. And anyone that dared to make fun of my name certainly got knocked on theirs. More importantly. You want to join us? Well, this ain't no picnic, lassie. There's plenty of blood, sweat, and tears that await ye once you sign up with us, the B. Dohrnii Crew. And, it may also be a bit of downer for ye, but it's for safety sake. You may want to lose the long hair. 

  • T - Sure!

Before I even noticed it, she swiped my knife on my normal suit holster, held as much of her long hair as possible to steady it, and in one swift motion... hair was flying everywhere. Everyone was shocked at how nonchalant she was about cutting her hair. But Cap... he was having the heartiest of laughs that could damn well wake up the entire ship.​

  • Cap - OHOHOH~ Lassie, you are quite the character. You certainly got the fire in those eyes. Quick, someone get her some gear. We got some work to do! Time that we show the wee lassie how we do things around here.

The entire crew was in agreement. But we still had one more thing to settle before then.​

  • P - She still has to be checked in by the med team. She will be back here later, right Tsukimi?

  • T - *claps hand and fist* Oh yeah. Almost forgot about that.

  • Cap - Aye. At least take this hat with ya before you go. It's the least ye can do to show you're a member of the crew. We'll iron out the details with Commander Char.

  • T - Got it! See ya later!

We both headed towards the med-bay of the ship. As were getting close, Tsukimi asked about our commander, which is an... interesting can of worms there.​

  • T - So... what is your commander like?

  • P - She's got a good heart. That's the best way I can put it. However, when she was initally in Zeon, she had the misfortune of being similarly named to the Red Comet of Zeon. Practically put him in his shadow. It didn't bother her much on the surface, but it is clear as day as to what kind of emotions can run high in that situation. But leading this ship, she definitely came out on her own in leading people. Rumor has it, she was a member of Gleaming Crown. A rag-tag group of extraordinary soldiers and pilots that liberated a mining colony back when the Earth Federation was making their footholds in the early days before the One Year War started.

  • T - Is it okay that we can see her after the check up?

  • P - I don't see why not. 

Her face lit up like a star ready to explode. We made it to the medical bay and ran through our check up process. Our doctor, Neige Blanche, found something rather interesting about Tsukimi. Interesting enough that she pulled me to the side to talk about it.​

  • Neige - I don't know who you brought to me, but that girl... that girl is certainly an odd one.

  • Paylor - Whatever do you mean?

  • N - Well, beside the glowing, star-spackled feet, physiologically, she is technically human. However, when we get to the inner workings, there is an absurd number of anomalies going on. 

  • P - Can you give me the short and skinny of this?

  • N - Blood work came inconclusive, high mineral count, barely any regular fluids in her body. It's almost as if I'm looking at a miniature planet as my patient. This is not scientifically possible. Whoever she is... whatever she is... she is not-

  • P - I really appreciate the work you've done, but Tsukimi is just a normal girl. Obvious takeaways be damned.

Neige looked at me with a stern expression. She probably caught onto something I said. And then, she smiled.

  • N - I've had the pleasure of taking a look at those logs of yours from your little venture. Clearly, a human floating in space is not possible for a prolonged period of time. Even with the best space suits in the business. But our girl here was out there, unprotected and vulnerable to the hells of space, and she's unscathed or bothered by its results. If you plan on lying to me in my face, or anyone else's, at least put a bit more thought into every step.

Damn... I left that much of a breadcrumb trail? Did Arado snitch? No... I should be asking the more important question here.​

  • P - Since you do know, what do you plan on doing with that information? There's no telling what could happen if word gets out to the public.

  • N - Patient confidentiality. You will never hear a peep from me, nor hear any rumors spread from me. But considering the nature of the situation, there's no doubt in my mind that if word DOES get out, an investigation team will be marching on their way and haul her away. And an extraterrestrial case on top of that? That's a new layer of red tape, even for Zeon standards. Word may even get out to Federation networks too.

  • P - Was it Arado that told you about the logs?

  • N - Him? No. He's been asleep the entire time after you came in.

A small sigh of relief escaped from me. From the corner of my eye, I saw the nurse chat it up with Tsukimi. I guess to buy us time to have our conversation.​

  • N - Please. Do take care of her the best way you can, Paylor. You brought her here. It is your responsibility too. 

  • P - I know. I'll be vigilant.

Neige called out to Tsukimi to see if she was ready to go. Good to see her excitement hasn't died down in seeing the commander. I have a really great feeling that the both of them would be really great friends.​

Chapter 4: Binary Star

Walking around the ship with Paylor was certainly an experience to behold. I had a weird feeling wane in and out from time to time, but I couldn't put my finger what it was. There were times even when meeting the mechanics that I felt a slight tinge of pain in my head. Almost as if... something was reaching out to me. The medical check up went without a problem though. Neige did seem rather strict, but she had a good heart from the way she talked all the way to monitoring my health. Now it was time to head onto the bridge and meet this "Commander Char" up close and personal. As we got closer to the door, the tinge started to become more pronounced. A sharp, stabbing pain was running through my head. It was... agonizing. Next thing I knew, everything went dark. Last thing I heard was Paylor's voice whispering to me.


  • ??? - So, this is the path you have ended up with?

The mysterious voice sounded a bit like... me. Though, it was more mature than I thought. There was a silhouette that was standing in front of me. It looked at me was one blue eye. The rest of her was too dark to make out, but I had a feeling that she took after my appearance.​

  • Tsukimi? - This environment will nurture you into someone special. Someone others can look up to.

  • Tsukimi - What do you mean? Who are you?

  • T? - The answer you will come across will come soon enough. Sooner than you think. As for who I am? I am another you. My power is weak for the time being. As is yours. But one day, we will be in perfect harmony. A painless unison. Just like how I am looking at you as a splitting image of me with a glowing orange eye, you are probably seeing me the same way, but blue.

  • T - When will that day come? Would it be far into the future?

  • T? - Don't fret about it too much. Though, I must warn you. This path will not go without strife. You will encounter a great hardship along the way. It will be necessary in achieving the future that awaits you.

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