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ARC 1:  Chapter 4 - Dark Matter: Prelude

Another side, another perspective. Factors behind the scenes are keeping tabs on the base, and only they know what has been happening. But why?

The boardroom is filled with an atmosphere one would describe as tense. Three people, professionally dressed, sitting in a triangle formation, staring at a large monitor with a map. The map showing an expansion of territory from a large black dot in the center.

  • The lady of the group reels her seat back and moves into a pensive posture. The old man, strokes his gray beard. The young man loosens his tie and sighs deeply before making his comment.

  • Young Man - So... this is what our progress is looking like so far. Seems like we aren't moving too fast, and our resources are burning faster than we can muster up.

The old man puffs a small chuckle.​

  • Old Man - Well we are in dire straits considering what looms over our nation. A massive black sky that is too thick to be considered a cloud. All because we got too greedy after striking lightning once. And here we are. Stuck chasing after the myriad of losses we've experienced from that ordeal alone.

The lady adjusts her glasses.​

  • Lady in glasses - The Black Spot incident was certainly an unexpected byproduct of our pursuit of solving our energy crisis. However, it does not excuse us to lie in a ditch and accept our fate. One man's desperate struggle to find an answer shouldn't be a burden for an entire population to shoulder. Let alone the people of Palponera who aren't ready to die to bring back prosperity.

In the midst of the conversation, a man flamboyantly walks through the conference room doors and cuts into the topic. He points towards each member of the conference only ​

to wag his finger in dismissal.

  • Flamboyant man - Tut tut. And here I thought I was going to be in a room with visionaries, but instead I'm here with some downers. We have a lot of things happening from a new Risen has been detected, a tactician is coming to aid us, and we have plenty of resources to sacrifice to make better investments. And need I remind you that the Black Spot has given us raw Dark Matter energy to harness? I say... you don't think 10 steps ahead.

The old man crones his head forward in confusion. The flamboyant man picks up on it and singles out the old man.​

  • FM - Well Mr. Donovan Claveker, was there something that I missed, or something that you neglected? I shouldn't be the only one properly keeping tabs on this.

  • Donovan - Feh... I've already had enough trouble managing other resources and logistics. We've gotten lucky that most of the hauls of our raids have been components necessary in making Personal Troopers, Armored Modules, and Karakuris for cheap.

The young man chuckles in a joking manner before reverting to a less than happy expression worn across his face.​

  • Donovan - Something you wanna say, Jegan?

  • Young man - That's Brad Jegan to you. And for your information, I've been up to my neck in paperwork trying to work closely with R&D to harness as much energy as we can. It's not as limitless as Mr. Brightside over here thinks.

Jegan's jeer points towards the flamboyant man. However, the flamboyant man remains unfazed.​

  • Mr. Brightside - See, now you don't actually need me to understand what you have. I just wish it didn't have to involve making fun of the atmosphere to do it. And I haven't even begun with Miss Terra Medan over here. I'm sure she would love a spa day by now.

The lady takes off her glasses, turns her face towards the ceiling and pinches the bridge of her nose along with the corners of her eyes. The fatigue was certainly setting in on her.​

  • Terra - You pity me, Bright. The only rest I can get is if I'm dead. Managing the troops and allocating the resources to where they need to be for certain operations aren't fun if I'm cooped up inside a damn office.

  • Donovan - Well, you did opt for being on the frontlines directly. Ain't that a bit overboard for the head of HR?

  • T - Quite reductionist of you, Donny. But it's also true. I like to experience the action first hand.

  • Brad - If anything, you being a Wildcard is even more intense enough. Two of you are hard to handle enough.

  • T - Do you want me to handle you hard enough too?

  • B - Oooh, spicy. As expected from the Raptor herself.

Terra slowly walks around the table, passing behind Brad, but not before dragging her fingers on Brad's body from arm to neck. In a flash, she puts him in a chokehold with her right arm, and her left hand slowly gliding across his face.​

  • Terra - Just be glad we're on mutual terms. Wouldn't want you to lose those good looks just because you know someone else by a special title. Don't get too comfy though.

Terra walks out the conference room, leaving Brad gasping for air and speechless. Life was practically flashing from his eyes from the ordeal that he experienced. But this outburst came to no surprise to Donovan, and Mr. Brightside throws in a shrug before walking out of the room as well.​

  • Donovan - The next time you try to be smart with someone like her, consider choosing your words carefully next time around. She may look dainty, but she's as much of a soldier than I ever was. She didn't get the name "Raptor" outta nepotism.

  • Brad - *cough cough* Enlighten me.

  • D - She's absolutely ruthless. Never lets go of her target unless they are dead. The unit that she uses is a bit on the nose too since it resembles something straight out of a kaiju movie. Her temperament is something to behold. And I hope for your sake you can stay on her good side too.

  • B - Noted. 


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