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File: "Hazumi"

Once a decorated commander, now looking elsewhere for a sense of refuge and freedom. However, there is one member of the Andromeda Council doesn't seem to take to kindly of her decision to go her own way.

Chapter 1: Tribunal

In the confines of a planetarium, the Andromeda Council, an intergalactic organization of diplomats, commanders in chiefs, and other governing bodies from different star quadrants based on the Zodiac. all gathered in a meeting over the supposed retirement of Little Dipper, House Golden Mane's decorated commander, Hazumi. Out of all the members in attendance, the Big Dipper, House Silburmane's General, Glastonbury, was none too please about the news.


Underneath the spotlight, the overwhelming eyes staring at Hazumi added to the overall tension of the council, leaving everyone with baited breath as to what was going to happen next. And in that silence, all was instantly broken through Glastonbury's outburst.

  • Glastonbury - ABSOLUTELY PREPOSTEROUS. Celestial Medal of Honor, Nebula's Tear, Legionnaire's Crest... a multitude of medals and accolades under your name. And yet you want to throw ALL of that away? To think that you had this idea in your head appalls me to a great degree knowing your strengths and potential as a commander and soldier on the battlefield... A LEO. And above all else...

A sharp glare was focused to the Big Dipper of Cygnus Wing Association, Raltan.

  • Glastonbury - The one thing at really bothers me the most. You are throwing all of it away... to be a dancer?

Crestfallen, Hazumi stared at the podium for a moment. Gathering her thoughts, she let out a deep sigh before giving a rebuttal.​

  • Hazumi - It is my choice, and nothing you'll ever do will ever dissuade me from what I want to do. You may have liked who I was and what I've done in the past, but every moment of my life was nothing but nightmares and having the dead stare back at me in war-torn campaigns. That's why I wanted to become a dancer. Someone who can bring joy and smiles to others, who can make friends and entertain those who are looking for a silver lining. I'm more than happy to toss aside my status as royalty to make my new path a reality if it comes down to it.

  • Glastonbury - HMPH. Senseless prattle and absolute drivel. I refuse to accept those words coming from your mouth, Commander. Though I will humor this conversation with one question. What motivated you to take this route in the first place?

What was once a crestfallen look soon became a look of steadfast conviction.​

  • H - A little girl.

  • G - A little girl?

  • H - Yes. It was during one of my campaigns to liberate a hostile nation that was invading a small town. Her parents were caught in the crossfire and were killed. All she had left to remember them was the pair of ballerina shoes they got her. She was withdrawn from the shock of it all. But the more I spent time with her, she opened up little by little until she showed me a little hideaway that her parents used to go. A lakeside where the moon was the perfect backdrop in the reflection of the water. A proper stage for her to dance in. Her smile, her dance, her will to keep moving on sparked something in me. And it spurned me to walk away from this blood-soaked life I've lived so far. And from that night, I made a promise to her, that I would never live to bring sadness to others around me any more. That I'll do the best I can to make myself, and others as happy as they can be.

  • G - A pointless pursuit of happiness. Of course. How could I have not expected that? Such a waste of potential. However, as ruling states, you simply cannot leave without the graces of the Big Dipper you are underneath. And I will make sure that this idea of yours will be eradicated from your thoughts for good.

  • H - So you would rather disrespect my wishes? Why are you so obsessed with me?

From the crowds, Raltan jeered at Glastonbury. He lets off a small chuckle before leaning into his podium.​

  • Raltan - He's simply jealous at the fact that his glory days have been usurped by someone who is a prodigy that has their heart and mind elsewhere. Someone like you won't simply be controlled by someone else's will.

  • Glastonbury - A conniving bird like you should know when to keep your mouth shut. Don't you have some nations to destabilize with your corporate ventures?

  • R - At least our form of violence is much more civilized than yours, and diplomacy is our bread and butter. And above all else, we are more than willing to sponsor Hazumi's endeavors as a Big Dipper.

  •  G - You will do NO such thing.

  • R - Indeed I will do no such thing. But...

Attention was soon turned to Hazumi by all the members of the Council. The moment they laid eyes on her, a ferocious scowl was on her face. One that slowly turned into a wry smile.​

  • Hazumi - I'm more than willing to fight for my freedom. Under Council Ruling 23A-U, I am able to provide an ultimatum to override a certain condition held by a Big Dipper as long as I offer a particular wager and contest. I will be wagering my entire life in a trial by combat against your strongest combatant for my freedom.

A disgusting smile quickly appeared on Glastonbury's face. Almost as if he was waiting to hear those words to be uttered. However, Raltan was also smiling. Not towards Hazumi, but to Glastonbury.​

  • G - I'll make sure you will know your place, little cub. And YOU, Raltan. I know you have a hand in this game as well. You were probably the one that encouraged this idea. But it'll all be for naught. My finest soldier, Genjuro the Silver Fang, shall make quick work of her soon.

  • R - It was all her. I'm just merely a sponsor for her endeavors. However, do not underestimate her conviction, Glaston. It will be your undoing.

  • H - And I'm more than ready to do this too. Mark my words.

​A mechanical voice echoed throughout the entire council chamber.

"Trial by combat has been initiated. All combatants, be prepared to enter the stage. Commander Hazumi Aileen versus Genjuro the Silver Fang will commence soon."

Chapter 2: Test of Conviction

The council room quickly turned into a small colosseum. It was a placid, bright white platform with barrier pylons erected in the stands around the arena to protect the onlookers from any projectiles. The platform Hazumi was standing on descended down onto the arena, but her face was not of anger, but a moment of disappointment.

  • Hazumi - Really? I made good efforts to not have that last name being used for the longest. Guess it works out as a stage name, but man does it suck when I tell people my real name isn't that.

Raltan couldn't help but laugh at her comment. The intent, however, was clear as day to him.​

  • Raltan - Getting cold feet? Can't afford to have that when you have the Silver Fang Butcher as your opponent.

  • Hazumi - I know... but it kinda takes me out of the groove a bit. But don't worry. I'm not gonna let that get in the way.

  • R - Too much?

  • H - Hehe. Not too much~

The platform on Glastonbury's side started to lower. What was introduced beyond that door was a man of towering stature. Enrobed with only a cloak on his back, Genjuro made his appearance. He took off his cloak only to reveal his rippling muscles and the sheer number of scars on his skin. His hair flowed with such majesty that it complemented his stoic face that looked like it was etched from marble. His entire towering physique, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet were absolute perfection.​


Hazumi was left awestruck. Anyone would in seeing the man in person. A living legend in the flesh.

  • H - Oh god...

  • R - Y-you've never seen Genjuro before?

  • H - No! I never knew he was such a heartthrob?

  • R - Then I guess you missed the part where I added the "Butcher" part.

  • H - Hahah... I guess you did.

  • R - He's the prime definition of a Black Ops soldier. A fighter and soldier of the highest caliber. This will truly be a fight to the death. You can marvel at his being AFTER you win.

The intercom sounded out.​

"Fighters. In position."

Hazumi and Genjuro stood into the middle of the arena. Genjuro towered over Hazumi with ease. Both were staring at each other with intense gazes. Tension was seeping through the entire council.


Genjuro, still and silent, suddenly whispered to Hazumi before getting into stance.

  • Genjuro - I never wanted this. But I don't have much of a choice. I hope you are prepared.

  • Hazumi - Don't worry. I'm ready.

"GOOO!" â€‹

The alarm sounded and in an instant, Gen's fist was nearing Hazumi's face. In a split second, Hazumi dodged to the left, lowering her body to slip into a possible blind spot. Before she could strike at a blind spot she found to his side, Genjuro throws a quick low kick, forcing her to back away. A look of bewilderment was written on her face. "How did he know I was going to strike there?" was her thought. Meanwhile, Genjuro returned to a neutral stance. Standing firmly and focused towards Hazumi.


Hazumi quickly runs towards Gen and approaches with a flurry of punches, trying to force him to play defense. All strikes towards vitals; liver, kidney, heart, anything to at least knock the wind out of him. All failed and were parried with ease. Her last strike aiming towards the liver was pushed aside long enough to be countered with a quick backfist towards her back. The impact was swift, yet tremendous. The warning bells in her head were sounding out. Eyes rolled wide open with surprise and feigning consciousness from the impact. She steeled herself well to maintain her footing. She tries to retaliate with a mule kick towards his head. Effortlessly, Gen catches her leg with one hand. But in turn, Hazumi throws a quick kick to his chest the moment he lifted her up. The kick was strong enough to make him reel back, but not enough to make him let go. He snorts air in frustration, and whips Hazumi towards the ground with such force that it was cutting air. The impact cracked the arena floor as she was thrown face towards the ground. The sound of the impact echoed beyond the chamber. Many stunned and horrified faces looked towards the slow, creeping pool of blood from where Hazumi's face landed. Glastonbury was all smiles at the result of the carnage. However, Raltan's expression did not change in the slightest. In fact, he let out a small laugh that was unsettling to the chamber. Even Glastonbury was surprised.

  • Glastonbury - Why are you, of all people, laughing at this situation? Your benefactor is possibly dead in a pool of blood. 

  • Raltan - I'm laughing because this farce has gone on long enough for me to get some enjoyment out of it. I think it is clear who has one this test of conviction. Because what I see here is a man shackled to a fruitless cause going up against a woman who will stop at nothing to be free. And you said it herself too. Commander Hazumi is a gifted fighter and soldier.

  • Glas - If this is your idea of committing to an act of theatre, then you are certainly losing your audience with ambiguity.

  • R - I'll put it simply. Your finest soldier is merely conscripted due to his sentence for Treason. He too sought freedom from those that reigned him. To him, this is just another fight to lower his sentence. And a trial by combat can lower his sentence greatly, but who is to say you wouldn't inflate that to put him into suicide missions.

  • Glas - Mind your words, old bird. Lest you want your wings clipped the moment you walk out of here.

  • R - Your threats are hollow as your morals. But that is besides the point.

Raltan points towards Hazumi, who was slowly crawling away from Genjuro, steadily trying to regain her footing. She was wheezing. Hacking and spitting out the blood, she clambered up and wiped her mouth. Her eyes were glowing red, fingernails extended into claws, and her body bulked up with sheer muscle. All with a wide smile on her face. The sheer pressure emanating from Hazumi was suffocating. All accompanied by a small, mischievous laugh. 

  • R - Now Hazumi, what shall you do? Is your mind clear on what you want to do?

  • Hazumi - Yep. I think everyone is ready for my performance. A dance everyone will never forget.

  • R - Then show them. Dance like you want to WIN!

Final Chapter - Settle With Elegance

Hazumi's commander outfit was in taters. In spite of that, she curtsied Genjuro, and by proxy, all the onlookers in the chamber. In fluid motion, she crossed her feet and crossed her hands in the air akin to a ballerina. Her eyes remained closed. Genjuro seemed unfazed. But Glastonbury was becoming more and more impatient.

  • Glastonbury - Don't just stand there, you fool. She's an easy target. Finish her off!

Genjuro walked slowly towards her. He cocked back his fist but she remained still. He proceeded to throw a punch, but his punch whiffed was Hazumi gracefully spins towards his blind spot. He threw another low kick in hopes of forcing her away. Instead, the low kick was caught in between her legs as she interlocked them with a graceful step. He was forced to let go, but before he could retract his leg fully, Hazumi pulled his body toward her after tweaking his leg in an awkward direction. Hooking his leg in, she quickly grabs his leg and proceeds to commit to a Russian Leg Twist. The sight of a towering figure twice her stature being twisted onto the ground, along with the thunderous boom of his body hitting the ground shocked the entire chamber. 

Genjuro, a man who was full of stoicism and pride, was now surprised himself. A pleasant surprise at that too. He couldn't hold back his smile. Hazumi quickly dismounted off his leg after the Twist and went into a handstand. Genjuro quickly tries to get on his back and kicks towards her hands to knock her out of balance. She quickly launched herself high into the air and landed onto his stomach retaining that handstand position she held. It was at that moment, he felt like he was put in check. Any which way he tries to dismount could be met with a double knee drop. Trying to catch her arm would constantly force her to reposition to a better angle of attack. He decided to take a risk and tower-bridged with great force in an attempt to get on his feet. Hazumi went up the air and twirled into the sky to mask her next maneuver. The sum of his fears soon came to be. The moment she was coming down, she hooked her arm around his neck and spun around him like a trapeze artist until finally caught his arm and neck in one fell swoop. She tied herself in a devastating hold that was slowly putting the massive man to his knees. Putting as much energy, muscle and ferocity as she screamed at the top of her lungs.


  • Genjuro -A Koji Clutch!? Very... impressive.

  • Hazumi - That's what it's called, huh? I've been in that more times than I want to remember from my previous instructor. 

Genjuro quickly tapped out. The match was decided.​ A hologram of Hazumi was posted high up onto the chamber. 

"Winner. Hazumi Aileen"

  • Hazumi - IT'S OKAZAKI... YOU... jerks.

Hazumi collapsed onto the floor. The adrenaline rush finally caught up to her​.

Medics were quickly making their way onto the arena. Genjuro, laying catatonically towards the ceiling, shouted at the top of his lungs.


As she was being carted away, all she could muster was a simple thumbs up before ending up limp in exhaustion.​


Glastonbury was fuming. His strongest fighter was bested, his hubris was shattered, and by proxy, was defeated by Raltan. But before he could ever step foot out of the council, a group of high-tech soldiers came in and apprehended him. 

  • Raltan - Thelemos Glastonbury, Big Dipper of House Silburmane, you are hereby under arrest for abuse of standing, inflation of incarcerated sentences, and improper use of government and federal assets. You shall be stripped of your rank and court martialed effective immediately.

  • Glastonbury - Go ahead and get your last laugh in.

  • R - I won't get mine. It is Genjuro who will get his considering the loaded charges you piled onto him. He will be a free man as the newest General of House Silburmane.

  • Glas - You? Give him access to the highest spot of House Silburmane? A criminal? You are much more mad than I thought.

  • R - A criminal that knows better than to have you on board is a better trade off. Considering he was the one that also got in contact with me in prison through a liaison. Someone deep within the criminal underbelly, and a fellow Leo. Someone from the Kaneshiro family no less too. Not once did you realize the House was compromised because you were too busy playing your role rather than being a proper general. But I've wasted my breath. Take him away from here.

The soldiers hauled him away from the Council Chambers. Glastonbury was never to be seen again afterwards.


Several Days Later...


Hazumi was discharged from her medical leave. Only, the air felt much different than before. Nothing felt restrictive or was holding her back. She could finally feel the freedom amidst the few aches and pains. Raltan and Genjuro decided to pay a visit, both with flower bouquets in hand. 

  • Raltan - Congratulations on your recovery, Madam Okazaki.

  • Hazumi - Hazumi is fine. And fancy meeting you here, Genjuro.

  • Genjuro - I owe it to both of you and Raltan for granting me this freedom. I'm forever in your debt.

  • H - Aw... don't be. There's no way I can pay you back now that I'm no longer in the Andromeda Council.

  • Gen - I know what is more sufficient. Simply show me your future. The efforts of your sacrifice in tangible form.

  • R - I've already provided the resources to make this feasible. All that is left is for you to take center stage.

  • H - Thank you. Both of you.

Hazumi started to walk away. Accepting both of their bouquets, she walked towards the aircraft to take her to her new home. But before she could step in, Genjuro had one final thing to say.​

  • Genjuro - If you see a man by the name of Kaneshiro. Tell him I said thanks. For everything.

  • Hazumi - I WILL!

She stepped foot into the air-taxi and never looked back. This was the official start of her new life. No longer as a commander, nor Commander Aileen. She now became Hazumi Okazaki, an entertainer, singer, dancer, and the Swan Princess who soared above the odds.​

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